Jul 20, 2007 21:46

Copied from Facebook: Title: They Might Be Giants show

Yesterday was crazy. It was crazy thunderstorming and the Long Island Rail Road was suspended so I waited an hour later than intended to go and finally made it on the train. I took the train to Penn Station and met Marc! It was so cool to see him again.

We walked around the city and tried to find a cool pizza place. We ended up going to some place on..some street that i can't remember. I got peporoni pizza and cheese pizza slice. yum!

Then we went into a Adventure Player shop. It had alot of vampire, warlock, Dungeons and Dragon kinda stuff. Then we took the B train to Grand St. in Lower Manhatten. Then we got lost trying to find the Bowery Ballroom. We were in the middle of Chinatown so everytime we asked someone they just pointed us to the Bowery St. Finally Marc called his mom and she looked it up on the internet. We then waited on line for 1 hour and a half. When they let us in we waited another hour in this bar setting. We didnt get any drinks. Finally they let us in. We went to the upstairs balcony and stood up there it was so comfortable.

The first band that played was called Corn Mo. He was pretty funny and had interesting music.
The main band They Might Be Giants played alot of good songs! They did a 5 song Encore and played Istanbul(Not Constanople) as their last song. It was awesome! I'm glad I went. Great stuff. After the show we took the D train to Penn Station, said our goodbyes and took the train back to Ronkonkoma. Then I had to drive home in this horrible fog. I could not see 10 feet in front of me. So i drove like 30 mph the whole way home. I got home around 2:15AM.

New stuff: finished HBP a day earlier than expected. Its sad. The new Harry will be read sometime later than tommorrow since I'm going to FL. Yes FL where Disney World exists. Where I will work, search apartments, look for roommates and then if everything goes perfectly which I don't think it will then I will stay. So most likely I will come back August 1st(which i can read the book but not stay in FL) or stay there and read it sometime. Anyways...the unknowns outweigh the knowns.

I read Bridge to Teribethia which was a good drama while the movie cover(has fantasy items) which has nothing to do with the book. I never saw the movie but Its not even close.

Yesterday I drank with my brother. I had captain Morgan's Orange & Pineapple malt beverage. We played videogames and I could not do well under the influence.

Well Here's a post that will be outdated in about 2 weeks.

Later ALL
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