Quiz Thingy

May 30, 2004 15:54

1.Most likely to change their sexuality? Nessa
2.Most likely to change their sex? I dunno and don't wanna know
3.Most likely to become a playboy bunny? Nessa
4.Most likely to become a porn star? Nessa
5.Most likely to become a nun? I dunno
6.Most likely to become prime minister? nobody
7.Most likely to take over the world? Pat
8.Most likely to become a rock star? Jeff
9.Most likely to become a pop star? I dunno
10.Most likely to release a song that goes straight to number 123 in the charts? dunno
11.Most likely to become a stereotypical cheerleader? Nessa
12.Most likely to shag a stranger? Nessa
13.Most likely to run down the street naked? Nessa
14.Most likely to appear on crimewatch? Pat
15.Most likely to drive off a bridge in a shopping trolley? Nessa
16.Most likely to take the longest time to pass their driving test? Tracy
17.Most likely to marry first? Shauna
18.Most likely to become a lawyer? dunno
19.Most likely to become a model? Nessa
20.Most likely to become a professional shopper? dunno

1.funny- all of em
2.cheeky- cheeky?!?
3.clever- dunno
4.bimbo- Nessa
5.boring- none
6.wacky- Nessa
7.bad habits- dunno
8.annoyingly perfect- none
9.pretty- I dunno
10.clean and organised- well besides me I guess Shauna
11.computer freak- most of them are
12.musical- Krys
13.smiley- I dunno...ME!
14.educational- Shauna

1.smile- mostly all of them
2.cheer up- mostly all of them
3.laugh- all of them
4.have lots of memories- Krys, Shauna, Josh, Dave
5.drunk- none

Have you ever . . .
Walked around naked?: of course
Had your picture taken?: who hasn't
Had your piture taken while naked?: yup

Been mooned?: my brother moons me at least once a week
Mooned someone else?: my brother lol
Been kissed?: yessum
Been past 2nd base?: yes
Gotten in trouble with the cops?: nope
Gotten something odd pierced?: nope I have enough holes on my body
Gotten a tattoo? no
Of what?: I said NO!
Stolen?: umm I dunno I can't steal anything lol
Lied to hurt someone?: no
Lied to help someone?: not sure
Told a member of the opposite sex that you love them?: yes
Not told a member of the opposite sex you love them and you should've?: no
Thought a teacher was hot?: I can't remember

If you could . . .
Change your name, what would it be?: I like my name just the way it is thank you!
Spend a million dollars on ONE thing, what would it be?: how can you spend a million dollars on one

single thing?!?
Live anywhere, where would it be?: not sure really...Detroit maybe...just cause of the Red Wings
Marry anyone, who would it be?: well it's too early to know that yet...but Krys
Have one supernatural power, what would it be?: teleportation
Be a fly on the wall for one day, where would it be?: I don't wanna be a fly!
Escape to anywhere right now, where would you go?: I don't need to escape I am good lol
Meet any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?: I dunno lol
Ask God one question, what would it be?: There is no God to ask a question to.

like cats? kinda...some are cute but I am allergic to them
have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no way ewww....hehe yes I do and she's awesome :)
wear underwear? boxers yea
listen to punk rock? some bands, not that many though

01. Bought? well one major thing would be my DVD surround sound system
02. Did? this quiz obviously
03. Ate & drank? chicken nuggets & pepsi
04. Read? well I read the book "Violets Are Blue" by James Patterson a while ago (awesome bookx!)
05. Watched on TV? well I watched Survivor but it was on the computer

01. club or houseparty? houseparty
02. tea or coffee? coffee
03. high achiever or easy-going? easy-going
04. beer or cider? cider
05. drinks or shots? drinks (non-alcoholic)
06. cats or dogs? dogs
07. Single or taken? is this asking if I am single or taken? if so taken
08. Pen or pencil? pen
09. Gloves or mittens? gloves
10. Food or candy? food
11. Cassette or CD? CD
12. Snuff or cigarettes? neither
13. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi
14. hard or mild alcohol? neither (but mild if I had to choose)
15. Matches or a lighter? lighter
16. sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful? ummm neither?! lol
17. Ricky Lake or Oprah winfrey? Oprah

01. kill? them bastards who beheaded Nick Berg..yea and Bill of course,
02. shag? lol ...
03. slap? Krys's ass
04. Hear from? someone who can give me a Windows XP CD
05. get really wasted with? nobody
06. Tickle? Krys
07. look like? nobody...I wanna look like I do now
08. Be like? nobody....I wanna be like myself
09. avoid? I dunno
10. Tease? Krys

01. Food? Chinese Food
02. drink? Iced Tea (from China Court especially!)
03. Color? Green...but Blue is growing on me now
04. Album? Eminem - The Eminem Show
05. Shoes? my Adidas shoes I guess
06. Site? I dunno lol... suprnova.org is a good one
07. Dance? slow dance
08. song? not really sure anymore lol
09. Vegetable? I dunno
10. Fruit?: strawberry I guess
11. berry? strawberry I said!!! lol

Morning. . .
1. What's your favorite breakfast cereal? I dunno really
2. What's the first thing you do upon waking? get a shower
3. Toast or pop tart? toast
4. Do you have normal sleeping habits? kinda
5. How many hours of sleep you average? 6-8 during school months
6. Get on the Internet before work/school? sometimes for a minute
7. Change your underwear regularly? of course...I'd hope everyone does each day
8. Sing in the shower? yuppers

Noon. . .
1. What's your favorite fast food place? McDonald's
2. Take out, drive thru, or eat in? don't care
3. Bring your lunch or eat from a vending machine? both but I bring my lunch most of the time
4. Eat in a group or alone? group
6. Gossip? I love it!
7. Do you brush your teeth after every meal? nope
8. Chew Trident? if someone offers me some
9. Are you eating anything right now? nope
10. Slept past noon? often during summer/weekends
15. Do you talk with your mouth full? sometimes

And Night. . .
1. What is your favorite sleeping position? I dunno I tend to toss/turn
2. Do you dream in color or black and white? I dunno lol
3. Do you sleep alone? when I am not with Krys I do
4. Have you ever been in a bar? nope
5. How about a gay bar? nope
6. Do you drink? not alcoholic stuff but yea I drink pop/juice all the time
7. Do you drink and drive? sometimes I have pop or something while driving
8. How about drugs, do you do those? only the ones that are good for me (puffers, tylenol, etc.)
9. Do you carry condoms? nope I hate condoms with a passion!
10. Name something stupid you've done while drunk? I have never been drunk and never want to be
11. What are you doing now? this damn quiz DUH!

Thirteen random things you like:
01) KRYS!
02) computers
03) video games
04) music
05) television
06) movies
07) food
08) family
09) friends
10) my doggy (pets)
11) Microsoft!!!
12) Grumpy Bear and Lil Frog lol
13) and yea all guys like a certain thing LOL

Twelve movies:
01) Titanic
02) A Walk To Remember
03) The Green Mile
04) Vanilla Sky
05) American Beauty
06) A Night At The Roxbury
07) Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within
08) Austin Powers
09) Unbreakable
10) Basic
11) Domestic Disturbance
12) Swordfish

Eleven good bands/artists:
01) Eminem
02) Switchfoot
03) Ja Rule
04) DMX
05) Ryan Malcolm
06) Kurt Nilsen
07) Clay Aiken
08) Hoobastank
09) Linkin Park
10) The Rasmus
11) Limp Bizkit

Ten things about you ... physically:
01) I am short (5'4")
02) I have brown hair
03) I have blue eyes
04) I have really hairy legs
05) I smile most of the time
06) I have a goatee
07) I am fairly skinny
08) ?
09) ?
10) ?

Nine good friends:
01) Krys (girlfriend)
02) Shauna
03) Tracy
04) Jeff
05) Josh
06) Dave
07) Nessa
08) some people from Liverpool
09) and yea lots of other people too lol

Eight favorite foods/drinks:
01) Chinese Food
02) Iced Tea
03) Pepsi
04) Ketchup Chips
06) Kraft Dinner
07) pie (apple, lemon, cherry)
08) McDonalds

Seven things you wear daily:
01) boxers
02) jeans/shorts
03) t-shirt
04) socks
05) pj pants & willy shirt
06) shoes
07) hat

Six things that annoy you:
01) people who discriminate, etc.
02) when I can't find what I want to buy
03) UPS bastards
04) when my computer screws up
05) my allergy days
06) my bad nerves

Five things you touch everyday:
01) Krys! lol (that sounds bad)
02) Myself lol (that also sounds bad)
03) keyboard/mouse
04) video game controller
05) food/drink

Four shows you watch:
01) Spin City
02) The OC
03) South Park
04) Survivor

Three places you go regularly:
01) Krys's House
02) School (not in the summer)
03) bathroom!

Two of your favorite books:
01) "Roses Are Red" by James Patterson
02) "Violets Are Blue" by James Patterson

One person you want to see right now:
01) *looks behind him* I see her right now :)
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