Nov 13, 2007 15:00
It always amazes me the disconnect between the number of people who speak english on the Swiss side and on the French side of the border. This weekend I went to a magic tournament ~30 miles from Geneva, still deep in French speaking swiss territory but a little further from France proper. The tournament was run entirely in english, with english cards, and I never had to try my french against the people I was playing. Interactions with 4 or 5 swiss outside the tournament and they all spoke enough english so I could get what I needed. This kind of streak would probably be impossible just over on the froggy side of the border.
In addition to all this, my work crew is almost entirely Russian engineers. So whenever an actual argument breaks out, they just start speaking really quickly in Russian. This gives me the advantage of plausible deniability as well as not having to worry about what they're arguing about. The disadvantage is the only native english speaker I work with is most definitely my boss.