Jul 06, 2008 14:32
-x-posted to pcossupport-
I, for the life of me, cannot remember to take my Met everyday...I'm supposed to take one tablet twice a day for diabetes and for pcos and I just cannot remember! I was doing so good with it when I was in school, but that was because I had a schedule to put it to. Now that it's summer and I sleep till god knows when in the afternoon, I don't have a schedule to remember to take my Met! Anyone have any good memory tricks to help you remember to take medication?
Another thing that has been bothering me terribly (I don't think this would much fit under pcos...but I feel the need to rant) is that I was on Prozac. Now, I was diagnosed with clinical depression in 2000 (I was 10). Fine...I went through many anti-depressants before finding one that actually worked and the pro's outweighed the con's. Prozac it was. I was told by two doctors that I could not be helped. I was abandoned by another doctor because he moved and didn't refer us to anyone else...I took prozac and a very low dosage for about 6 months and was wondering what the hell? It's not working... before realizing that, duh, my dosage is waaay too low to matter....and then I ran out of Prozac.
After running out of prozac, my mood became more unpredictable as the days went on. I started cutting when I was 13. I remember sitting in school and just getting so depressed out of nowhere that I would ask to go to the restroom and I would pull a razor blade out of my wallet and just do it in a stall... At one point, I had over 170 cuts on my body...=\
After losing countless of friends (they believed that I wasn't talking to them and telling them what was wrong...they would ask What's wrong and I would simply say nothing? because I didn't know why I felt the way I did.), I just kept to myself and stayed my distance from everyone for a long time. My moods became so bad, that I was referred to a place by my school psychologist, and they're who I'm with now. But get this, the guy that I talk to, is just a guy to talk to. He can't write prescriptions...so I had the talking out of the way, but I still felt like shit and now I had to find someone who will write me a prescription. I talked to my physician (who has handled me since I was a wee little girl) and she would write the prescription for me with a promise on updates about my counseling. Fine. I started Prozac in October of 2007..Started out at 5, then 10mg, now I'm on 20mg a day. Since then, I've been diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.... I'm just a walking disorder with many names.
My moods are starting to get out of control again. Why? Because the company we have for out medications for the family, is mail order. I remind my mother that I need to get my Prozac refilled. First thing she does...is yell at me because I didn't tell her sooner. How am I supposed to know that it takes 2 weeks for the medication to arrive? I'm used to going and picking up the meds at the pharmacy! And then...guess what? She never reorders my medication. How do I know? Because I had an episode where I yelled at my little sister and pissed off my mom and she came bolting into my bedroom, demanding the medication bottle so she can call it is to get it refilled. Mind you, this happened about 3 weeks after telling her that I'm going to be out of medication soon. That was 3 weeks ago. So, I went from being on 20mg of Prozac a day, to none whatsoever.
And the thing that pisses me off the most...is that I know for a fact that if I was my little sister or even possibly my twin brother, I'd have that medication right now to take....