Jan 03, 2008 09:56
Happy New Year everyone~!
=D I graduate this year. Yay high school class of 2oo8~!! ^^;
Been sick since Christmas - still not doin' too good.
Waiting for a delivery from the FedEx guy for my stuff from Deviant Art ^_^
Supposed to be arriving Monday, so I'm excited. =P
Had an interesting break....
Saw Sweeney Todd and was completely disappointed in the movie. With Tim Burton too. Ugh. I hated that movie (and yes I went into the movie knowing it was a broadway musical...) Though I will continue to faithfully wear my Sweeney Todd shirt. XD
My brother got his stuff from Jostens...when am I gonna get mine XD
Supposed to be going back on Prozac~ dunno when that's gonna happen though... Need to find a doctor to write me a prescription. u_u
Headache. I'm gonna go listen to music now...
Just letting you al know that I'm still here...and living....