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Feb 07, 2010 17:48

Hola mi amigos--- per usual it has been awhile.  Made it through my last domain exam (renal/urinary tract) which definitely wasn't my thing.  Starting to hunker down and think about boards (coming up in June) which is intense and starting clinicals in July (which is exciting).  Feeling a little more doctorly-- moved through prostate and urinary physical exam--- soon to conquer the Pap smear... so nice I'm paying so much for this life enriching experiences. School, projects (refugees and fighting childhood obesity... among other things), and just trying to survive winter is keeping me busy enough.  Break was good but too short--- about 2 weeks shorter than break last year.  Basically finished on the 23rd, went home the 24th and spent just a few days in Ohio.  Made it out alive, went to Portland to be recharged by the crazy nonprofit friends (Josh I think we live parallel lives)-- and was amazed at how much more normal I felt after that.  My friend who picked me up from the airport just kept marveling at my general demeanor--- he's like your so relaxed and happy, what's going on?  We rented a bench house for a few days at a super cheap price, drank a lot, and just had a necessary level of debauchery.  Spent rest of break recovering from Portland and just sort of resting and catching up on life before school. Michigan winter sucks as usual but seems better this year (maybe I've just adapated).  I also bought a piano over break (very used, very cheap but still fun) and have a friend teaching me a little guitar which is fun... sporadic but fun.  Still hitting the gym a lot which seems to help curb the stress so it could be worse.  Trying to make myself really dive into the pharm behind each of these domains and am struggling to get into pulmonary, just already tired but will pull it together.  Sort of stumbled on a hanging out/dating??? situation (we all know how I feel about relationships and defining things) which seems to be working well--- was pretty hesitant because he's in  my class, and kind of normal,  but it's been fun for the most part.  We hang out when we can and he knows how busy I am with school + projects and is very supportive of that which is critical.  Same kid whose teaching me guitar,so sort of helping me come back to the music nerd we all know and love.  So all in all, plenty of stress, few positive life adjustments, and just keeping on keeping on.  Hope all is well for the rest of you kids!
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