This is a doc where you can add any and all prompts you can think of that involve Gallifreyans and Gallifreyan culture, as distinct from human culture. You can include or exclude any headcanons you wish, and fills can be in any medium you wish (be in fanfiction, fanart, fanmixes, etc). Prompts can be smut-like, PG romance or totally gen, but they should focus on aspects of Gallifreyan society that differ from human society
Examples of things you could prompt about:
- Castes
- Mindsex, and the societal implications thereof
- Anything that explores gallifreyan biology
- Stuff involving the doctor or a gallifreyan doing casual telepathy
- Looming
- Pairings that involve at least one Gallifreyan, where the fact that they are Gallifreyan is a significant feature
- Gen, that involves at least one Gallifreyan, where the fact that they are Gallifreyan is a significant feature
- Gallifreyans from a non-Gallifreyan’s point of view
- Touch telepaths and somatophobia! (exposed hands and wrists, the scandal!)
- Face blind Gallifreyans!
- Pythian era!
- Pilot-TARDIS bonds!
- Hivemind!
- Dr Nyarlathotep (what, it counts!)
- And much, much more!
Some notes:
Prompts can be as detailed or un-detailed as you want, from a couple of words to a three paragraph outline.
Fills can be as quick or as long as you want, from a 200 word flashfic/doodled fanart to a 50,000 word fanfiction/masterfully painted oil canvass.
You may comment on a prompt without having a fill, i.e. to express support or squee over it.
You should be able to comment anonymously, if you are more comfortable doing it that way. If you cannot, let me know and I will check the settings.
When posting a prompt, fill out the subject line with characters and/or pairings involved in the prompt, as well as a very brief summary. Then put the full prompt in the comment text itself. Please post one prompt per comment. There is no limit on the number of prompts you can submit.
When filling a prompt, indicate that your comment is a fill by adding FILL to the beginning of your subject (along with things like title, characters or rating)