(no subject)

Nov 15, 2006 12:09

it is rather amusing to remember all of the places i have been and could have stayed, but i didnt, and now forever they are altered, even immeasurably small. it is not so very physically hard to change your life completely if you go away from all you have known, routinely. i sort of wish i stayed on that continent, drifting down the coast, eventually going inland to...russia, walk aroung like a ghost surprised tolstoys world still was not held in like a snowglobe, like the storys always going on, happening eternally.i totally romanticised having all of this free time to sit around in pjs. and now i am going to go apply at random jobs everywhere because that is what i have to do. my best friend from tree climbing days who is one head shorter than i now drivess a forklift downtown antrim, and shes little. my other friend was a security guard at a hospital but they demoted her to floor scrubbing because shes too small, isnt that silly, just look at jackie chan, i say that could be a law suit.so i may work at a factory in antrim or i may work in hillsborough, the factory has to do with lightbulbs. and then maybe one day i will be a sailor. maybe i will be a farmer. you remember,"what do you want to be when you grow up"?well im not there yet but im still interested in year round christmas elf, any positions? wait thats a breakthrough, im going to go to the mall and apply to be an elf they have to hire me i mean look at me ive got thoose ears
hello to the stars and sea stars
a perforated tin mask riding above the orchids pirouette ok now im pro crass tin ate ing. last night someone acted strange, a good friend, they acted like they would never see me again and followed me outside to wave goodby and kept repeating not to crash it was sort of sweet
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