
Jan 29, 2008 09:25

i am a beast
feed hunger no rising above
and there is gnashing teeth
and the rebuttal of life
this is true on ground zero
planes planned
and i am still numb
where is my tee shirt with sequin
misunderstanding of politics
befriending murderers
knowing gapes of black hole attention wanters
true privates that need watering
and of course the beautiful 1 that changes face
changes colors even race
and i will fuck it up
dont let me
5 selves i appeal
fuck it
there is nothing to do
i will bite you
because i cant stick you to me with glue
teeth gnashing
sarcasm...of what exsists...
in free will___
i cant save anyone i am
a beast
spread eagle gutter extinction
ddt in your cereal
and what of it
tree tree grow up around me
with your violent green sheen
you are my favorite green
blessed sometimes are we
the suffering in purity
what is____i
lay next
the flesh becomes
the flesh contracts
guienivere concieve...
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