Going into 2010...

Jan 12, 2010 19:29

So I ordered several things with the gift card I got for Christmas. Christmas-wise, I also got Terminator Salvation and The Dark Knight, but one, the copy of Salvation I got was Blu-Ray and two, I already have The Dark Knight from the last Christmas, so both of them had to be sent back. I swear my mom is as forgetful as I am sometimes.

Anyway, the items that I ordered arrived yesterday. I got the latest two volumes of Black Lagoon, which continue the Mad Dog Roberta saga, as I've taken to calling this particular arc. When the Tropers said that Roberta was going to go Ax Crazy during El Baile De La Muerte, they were not fucking kidding. And the story isn't even over yet. I also got the first edition of Big Eyes Small Mouth, and BESM Dungeon which is part of a three-part fantasy supplement series for 2nd Edition BESM (the others being Uresia and BESM Fantasy Bestiary). I also got my hands on the original non-musical version of Sweeney Todd by Christopher Bond that inspired the musical. As mentioned in my post about the Sweeney Todd silent film, there are a good number of differences between the play and the musical that Sondheim turned it into.

I also got three CDs. The first is "Valley of the Damned," the first Dragonforce album and the only one that I didn't have. The others are Gamma Ray's "No World Order," and Iron Savior's "Battering Ram." Gamma Ray and Iron Savior are both kickass power metal acts who have worked with each other and Edguy, another group whose themes have more of an "ancient myth" feel than a lot of power metal. Iron Savior's stuff, such as "Tyranny of Steel," "Wings of Deliverance," "Eye to Eye," and others would make an awesome soundtrack for a mecha anime or game.

The only book that hasn't arrived as of yet is a book that I used to have as a kid. It's a Bruce Coville book of short stories about monsters. I loved monsters back when I was a kid in grade and middle school, and if I wasn't into Nintendo and other video games back then, it's quite possible that I would have gotten my hands on the Rules Cyclopedia and other D&D books in my middle-school days instead of some time after graduating high school. I missed out on a lot when I was a kid.

music, iron savior, the dark knight, big eyes small mouth, monsters, christmas, gamma ray, dragonforce, sweeney todd, black lagoon

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