It's Sharing Season!

Jan 07, 2016 23:10

I guess most of you already noticed - Big Sharing season came to LJ.
First of all, several buffyverse-related award comms are open for nominations.

Headline Awards accepts art, fic and videos about any Anthony Stewart Head's characters (which means GILESSSSSSSSSS!). Noms vill be open till Jan 20th.
Thanks to whomever nominated my Saturday Night vid there, btw =)

Willowy Goodness Awards accepts Willow-centric art and fic, nominations will be open till February 29.

Running With Scissors Awards is accepting buffyverse art and fic (as well as Buffyverse/SPN crossovers) till February 3.

And, of course, there is buffyversetop5, where you can post recs of favorite buffyverse-related stuff from the past year, it will be open till January 18th. There are a lot of amazing rec lists already.

So, go and share some love for your favorite authors, if you haven't done it yet ;)
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