Jan 30, 2008 02:39
I have said this before, and I'm sure a lot of you feel the same reading old journals of yours, but man is it embarassing.
A few facts I've learned about my self from four-five years ago:
-Desperately wanted friends and for people to like me.
-APPARENTLY I loved the "CACK" and had a crush on every boy i set my eyes on.
-I was always horny and wanted to get laid. (even though after I lost my virginity I didn't sleep with anyone person for over two years) I think it was more of an attention getting attempt more than anything.
-I was very much proud of the fact I did drugs, and now I don't even like to talk about it.
-last but not least I really hated my mom, when she was the ONLY person who loved me and treated me right.
There is more. I choose not to write about it becuase it brings back memories of how I always thought someone "hated me" or that I was "fat and ugly" and so on.
Nowadays, I just don't give a shit. I care about the things that are important. My wonderful boyfriend of almost two years, my best friends, and my family. There's always a little of your past that haunts you forever, but I'm good at laughing things off and thinking I was 15, 16, and immature as all hell.
Anyways, I don't even know who still reads thes things, fucking myspace...i tell ya.
But thanks for listening and good day to you sir.