I get my baby tomorrow. I'm so excited. I missed her so much this week. I'm going to spoil her with love and attention.
Daddy has my cleaning out the basement tonight. Fun. They've decided to redo it so it won't be an apartment anymore. They want to make an Oscar room. It will have a stage and everything! So exciting.
Today, I am relaxing and chillaxing, recovering from my week. And catching up on homework. Fun stuff. :P
I had an amazing week. Twins, thanks for the invite!
[Private to Self]
Well. That was nice. To get home and find my dads asking me why I drove Santana away and was I dating Finn and how could I send her away. That was really super. Specially since no one even gave me a fucking heads UP she was moving out. And given that she moved in with Quinn, ya think she could have just sent me a text. Hey Rach, I know I told you I picked Santana in all this even before I heard your side of anything, or even spoke to you, but I'm letting her move in with me so she will be around our kid as much, if not more than you get to be around her. Just letting you know she told your dads a lot of stuff about you. Be ready when you get home. See you soon!
Well, I guess I don't have to worry about anything then. Me and Finn aren't even dating, but it looks like Santana already bailed. Whatever.
Fuck her. As long as she does not interfere with Kaylee, that is all I care about. She's my child and I will fight for her. No one is more important than Kaylee.