

Nov 02, 2006 13:14

At choir last night I heard what could quite possibly be the world's worst joke:

Two archeologists, exploring a remote mountain in Tibet, came across a huge granite statue which resembled a sitting man. It stood almost 400 feet tall, and its bodily details were accurate down to the fingernails and teeth.
"It looks real enough to talk," said the first archaeologist.
"Let's try," said the other, and turned to the statue to ask its name.
No answer.
"How old are you?"
No answer.
Finally, one shouts out, "What's the square root of 64?"
Suddenly, the mountain shook as the giant statue rose onto its feet and put its hand on its chin. Then, after a few seconds, the statue answered in a roaring voice: Eight.
"Of course," said the first archaeologist, "It only stands to reason!"
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