100 Character sketch challenge!: #001 GR.

Aug 21, 2009 10:01

Heather and I were talking about how we both have about 100 characters from years past, and how neat it would be to sketch out all of the ones that have been lost and forgotten, so to speak. We are going to try to find what old pictures of them we can and post them along side the new with a little bit about the character. Its a nice tribute to all of our old characters.

GR stood for Goddess Ruthi. She was a false avatar of the terian race, created by false hope. She did nothing godly in the least bit, save for exploit the people's faith. GR fell in love with one of her temple maids, Yoko. She changed her appearance to male and wooed Yoko, but when she revealed herself to the maid as her Goddess, Yoko was overcome with the grief of being an extreme homophobe and flung herself off a cliff. The real Goddess, Dalia, appeared, furious with the avatar for fooling with a terians life and heart in such a way. She cursed GR to be stuck in her male body until she atoned.

Unfortunately GR is not much for atoning. She/he was also thrust into the Mystic storyline as the drummer for Stark's band, Stark Raving Mad.

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