♣We'd Be So Less Fragile, If We're Made of Metal

Nov 14, 2010 00:06

reverse f-cut
I think this is pretty much self-explanatory. If you no longer desire to be my friend then simply defriend me. As much as I'd like to say no hard feelings, I know its going to hurt. I love you all, even if we don't talk much I still enjoy talking to you guys or reading your entries but I feel that I should at least offer some people the chance to cut me if they have the desire to do so.

However I would like some feedback as to why you're cutting me. If its something simple like we never connected then you're free to go, however if I did or didn't do something then I'd like to know about it so I can change my behavior in the future. I'm not perfect and if I ever did anything to offend or hurt you, I'd like to know about it, so I don't do it again.

both anon and screening is on.

let the cutting begin

reverse friends cut

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