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Nov 30, 2005 15:28

a funny thing happened to me today...
when i got school i figured out that i left my binder in jessica's car. i called and called and texted her but she didn't reply. i went to lynsi's house to wait for jessica's reply because she wasn't at school. Then Lynsi and i went to broadway and left my keys in the ignition but i couldn't call my house because they would have gotten mad that i was ditching first period. so at lunch I went to broadway and i got my keys. but i didn't turn my car completely off so my car wouldn't turn on. my cell phone died earlier and i didn't have a way to call anyone.
i walked to lynsi's house and broke in (aka went through the back door) to use her phone. i called everyone who's numbers i could remember and NO ONE ANSWERED. but Eric came and saved me. we get back and try and start it and i won't start. he had this batterey thing with only one side of jumper cables. He noticed that there was an automotive place right across the street so we went there to get regular cables. those didn't work either. i remembered that i was on empty and had been on it for a while. anything was worth a try at this point. we walked to a gas station and eric bought me a gallon of gas we put it in and well my car started.... first of all I know nothing about cars and i guess Eric doesn't either haha
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