
Jul 07, 2005 14:43

okay, heres whats been going on !!

Yesterday:: ii came home and ii finally got my new room ! ii got moved into the comp room and i got a whole new bedroom set ! its freaking awesome !

Today:: tried to set some of room up.. Now ii`m getting ready to go down to my aunts shoppe to get all my hair chopped off !! =X lol just kidding, but i am getting like three inches off and im gonna cry !! I mean thats sooo much hair for me !! ii`m so used to long hair that having semi-short hair is gonna scare me soo bad ! Oh well, anyways, after i get my hair cuz my mom's coming to pick me up at the shoppe with my BEAUTIFUL Samantha McCusker !.. then we're coming back here to party the night away ! =P

Tomorrow:: Spending all day with my lovely samantha !! Prolly gonna go chill down at the school or what ever... idk, what ever me and sam do it'll be a blast ! =].. then sam's leaving and i have to get ready for the big day !!

Saturday:: PARTY DAYY !!! Yessa ! Finally my birthday party is HERE! we're all gathering at my house (except we're picking the guys up) and then we're off to the hotel for an awesome day and night at the hotel!!! =]

Sunday:: gonna chill a lil bit at the hotel and then bring everyone home... lol

alright, leave some loves and ii`ll write laterr ! =]
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