A My Little Pony Quiz

Jun 24, 2011 22:55

Mrrrrrgle - okay, so yes, I've gotten into My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic now, too.  Such a huge fan base! @_@ I've done this quiz before, but since I've been obsessed with this fandom all this week, I wanted to do these characters. ^_^

I think Fluttershy - she is so sweet and adorable, yet has some of the most classic and surprising moments.  I literally LOL'd at her part in Pinkie Pie's "Pony Pokie" in the final episode.

I kind of find Scootaloo to be pointless and annoying.  She seems like a personality and design rip-off of Rainbow Dash, who is my least fav personality-wise of the main six, anyway.  They're just a bit too brash for me, without many redeeming qualities or consequences to make up.  But Rainbow's not that bad, I guess.  And she's my fav design-wise.  RAINBOW.

...Rainbow Dash.  RAINBOW.

Either Fluttershy (the blue goes great with her coat and mane) or Rainbow Dash (hot pink is just a plus for me, derp).


Dude they are horses.

Probably Pinkie Pie!  It seems like she would enjoy anything.  And I'd pick something super cute and sweet to make for her, my favorite kind of food. :3

That's tough, a lot seem fun - maybe Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy.  Pinkie Pie would no doubt make a fun song and go splashing about, and Fluttershy would maybe enjoy teh nature and show you frogs or turtles or something.  I think Rainbow and AppleJack would be fun, too.  Twilight and Rarity...erm, maybe not as much.

Rarity - obvious choice!

Another tough one!  I think Pinkie Pie again, she would make it fun.

Probably evil!Fluttershy, terrifying.  Crazy!Pinkie Pie might be fun, too.  Or, not.

Hmmm, haard...Fluttershy'd be neat, since she's my fav, or Rainbow Dash for her rainbows, or maybe AppleJack, since she's blonde and then I wouldn't need a wig.  And Rarity would be fabulous and Twilight is another fav of mine, so that'd be cool, and Celestia would just be sa-weeeeet.

So, any of them, really. :D

Overall, AppleJack x Rainbow Dash (with Celestia x Twilight a close second X3).

I think AppleBloom x Spike or Soarin x Rainbow.  I also have found myself liking Dr. Whooves x Twilight and Macintosh x Fluttershy.

No yaoi pairings, at least, not that I know of!  This is a girl-ruled show.

AppleJack x Rainbow. They have a decent amount of interaction in the show, and I think they love to compete with one another.  Usually I'm drawn to pairings with opposite personalities, but this one just works for me, for some reason. :D They're both powerful, but they are sweet underneath, I think, and it's nice to see them caring for another.

(And Twilight x Celestia, because student x teacher pairings are fun and Twilight so admires her teacher. :D And I'm quite drawn to Rarity x Fluttershy, although I don't know how that would work.  Rarity is so upstanding and Fluttershy is so durn shy.  So yeah, but I find them cute. :P)

my little pony, meme, quiz, yuri

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