My teacher for Drawing I is the same as my teacher for AP Art History and so we always talk about Art History and other nerdy stuff. She's talked to me about the New York trip that the AP Art classes do every year because it's a sad story about me wanting to go, not able to because of the FRENCH trip this summer, then not going on THAT because we're too busy this summer, then getting to go to Chicago this Spring Break to make up for it (which is freaking awesome, don't get me wrong...I am soooooo excited it's sick), and THEN finding out I COULD HAVE gone to nyc but we already made our reservations. So today she was all excited about it and I was looking droopy for not being able to go and the conversation WENT AS FOLLOWS:
"You can still go next year; we go every year, you know."
"Oh no, I can't go. I'm not in AP Art History (obviously) or any of the AP art classes."
"We let the Studio kids go too, so you could totally go!"
"I'm not in AP Studio next year."
"WHAT D: Why not?"
"I don't have the prereqs...." (this is very true. My school offers Drawing I, II, and III; Painting I and II; and a bunch of other sorta-random classes like Printmaking and Ceramics and the various levels of it. You have to have taken at least five studio classes to go, and at this point in my life I've taken threeee.)
She got all squinty, and said "Oh, I can write you a pass to get in."
:D this is THE CLASS I've wanted to get into for a veddy long time but couldn't because whatever. It's an AMAZING class where you spend the whole time getting your portfolio ready and that's like it. YOU pick your focus and have to do focus and breadth and quality and blah blah and amazing. Then they send it to AP but you can ALSO USE IT FOR COLLEGE which is AWESOME.
So she went on for like five minutes explaining the class to me which I totally already know about, so mostly I was just sitting there trying not to flip out because of the awesome levels. ALSO VERY AWESOME is the fact I've been in her drawing (drawing ONE even!) class for a quarter and she thinks I'm ready to go to AP STUDIO. She told me my picture I was working on could fall under "Quality" which I think is pushing it lots, but still ridiculously kind.
so the drama is this....
My schedule isn't exactly empty. I'm ALREADY taking two semester courses over summer. AND NOW I need to chuck two of my semester classes because I'm taking this opportunity without question.
I'd love any suggestions because you guys are magical at that sort of thing.
I'm taking Drawing II and Painting I first semester, then Drawing III and Painting II second semester.
First semester my only "movable" classes are Sociology and Independent Study Computer Graphics. I placed them specifically there because all my friends signed up for Sociology first sememster and we're hoping to at least get two of us together. And Computer Graphics is first semester because my teacher is obsesssssed with contests and all the good ones are in the first half of the year. haha so I'd love to use them. :)
THEN second semester I have Stats and Web Page Design. Which I just placed there because they don't have pros or cons for first semester....
Web Page Design would probably be a very very very very very good class to take, considering I don't know how to design web pages and I'm going into graphic design and all...but I'm not attached to it. Very much. Stats, however....I'm so excited to drop it. :P I picked it specifically but I'm THRILLED to not take it. I was only taking it because having another math would look good and all the seniors were scaring me into taking a math class senior year. But honestly? I think taking Stats would be anything but beneficial to my intelligence.
So if I'm definitely taking out stats....what do I do then? I still need an empty period first semester.
My friends at lunch were basically unaminous telling me to drop Computer Graphics because I'm already taking SO MANY art classes (Drawing....Painting....Studio....that alone is six semesters more than normal people take). But I really think I could do some cool stuff in Independant Study. I could actually animate! I could push past limits! Heck, I could win some contests! And photoshop stuff would look nice in the schools that accept it...
I could also drop Web Page Design and move one of my first semester classes to second semester...swallow some pride...but then a)I don't get the benefits I previously mentioned, b)I'm not taking Web Page Design, which is probably a very good class to take.
As far as I know, I CAN'T drop a Drawing or a Painting because of technicalities with prereqs. That would work if I could drop one, though. Since I'd be doing that in Studio....but frankly I'd like the "practice" class as opposed to jumping into the scary stuff for my portfolio.
I still need to talk to my art teacher about this some more...I'll get her opinion, the Computer Graphics teacher's opinion....I'll obviously have to talk to my counselor a bit, too...and my parents.
At this moment in my life I'm leaning towards moving Sociology to second semester and cutting out a drawing or painting class THERE. Because by then I shouldn't be too scared for working with the AP kids.
huh. I actually didn't think of that until right now. hahahhaha.....but if I can't cut one of those out, I'd still rather take sociology than a Web Page class.
If I wasn't so pee-my-pants excited about taking AP Art Portfolio, I'd be in tears over the decision. But the good stuff about this FAR outweighs this little hill of gigantic size.
seriously though....