Sep 07, 2007 19:59

So I just finished watching the end of Kim Possible.
And I must part of the ENTIRE series?
Drakken's pink flowers. I think they even beat Rufus...but just barely. :P

The Good
-Very nicely ended. I feel closure, not sadness or emptiness or something. All my favorite and now cancelled shows had pretty good endings, its just this is the only one I had time to write about. :P
-The inclusion of like...everyone and everything. Except Ned, didn't see him once...and who was that other Ron guy? He was like...bigger than Bonnie in this one and I've never seen him before in my life!
-Drakken's flower. :D
-Drakken in general being awesome. He was like...10xcooler than usual (and not just because he was good at the end, though that was excellent too)
-Shego. Shego kicked BUTT in this. Like always. :P Loved her dress at the end too.
-Ron being awesome. And that includes his total fear of future. Spot-on Ron!! :D
-Mr. Possible being a fanfic author. XD totally awesome.
-Warmonger. Nicely played, Disney Channel, bringing the villian from the first episode of the last season to be the conflict of the last episode of the last season.
-Junior/Bonnie. I really liked seeing that again
-DNAmy fawning over Stone!Monkey Fist
-The jokes and irony and stuff. Would've liked more popculture, but, eh, can't have everything.
-Nanna kicking Barken's butt
-The Shego-Ron interaction. So fun. C:
-Barken's anti-climactic bell

The Bad
-Where was Rufus? He had like....2 scenes. And NO awesomness. SO not cool. >>
-Ron/Kim kiss at Bueno Nacho. It was like...lips bumping. good for a laugh though.
-Rufus again. Still upset about that. >>
-The fight suits. I wanted to see Kim fight in her fight clothes or an untattered gown...or something. Everytime she fights in a battlesuit it's like "what the heck? Not cool!" and the same goes for Ron and Shego. Shego should not fight in anything but a dress or her suit. No.
-Rufus looked weird. It was like they didn't have his animator on board or something...he was so off.
-We never found out about Ron's colleges! I want to know where he got accepted and where he's going. Lame way to NOT TELL US.
-They never talked about all the frickin' buildings they knocked down
-the total and complete War of the Worlds rip-off ship...things. AND they were conquered with flowers. Which makes it allllmost amusingly spin-offy instead of rip-offy. But not quite.

The Weird
-That kiss again. KP has usually been good about having good cartoon kisses but that was just...whut?
-The Drakken/Shego thing at the end. I would have liked it to be more....more. I mean go flower an' all, but they had total set-up in this episode and no real follow up. Whut.
-That ron guy. Who is he?
-The CG stuff. They did better blending it here than in...say DP:PP, but I still dont' like blending 2D and 3Dish 2D. Unless it's intentionally obvious for comical effect or whatever.
-That it's over. Except that's not really even all that weird, because the closure was really good and, honestly, it was overdue. I loved the last season the most, I think Disney handled a relationship very well and I hope they continue doing that. Plus the old last episode was not closure-y at all. I didn't even realize it was over. XD Sooo not really weird, but its just weird that I'm running out of TV shows.

I grew up with KP! Kind of not really okay no. But! I distinctly remember when it was going to air for the first friend and I declared ourselves fanatics although we hadn't seen it...we watched the first few episode marathon thing together, changed our screensavers to this kimmunicator thing used to have (it was cool! :D) and all, she stopped liking it awhile ago ("Grew out of it") but I didn't. I still like it and will probably miss it a little bit. But I think it was time for it to end. Weird that it went this long, actually. I don't hink I'll miss it anywhere compared to my other long-gone shows. I still get sad when I see old Gilmore Girls ads...

Um. That's it. :)
Also, my LJ is getting hard to keep up with. My LJ friends, I mean. Cause I keep adding new ones...haha so if I comment less, sorry. I have reasons. :P

reviews, television, ljerk

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