2012 Holiday Challenge Prompt Fic

Dec 31, 2012 21:45

Title:  Something in the Dark
Author:  Razzie2414 (RaspberryRed)
Characters:  John, Dean, Sam,  mention of John's father
Impliment:  belt
Warnings:  threats of spankings (oh, boohoo) and spanking of John, age 9, by his father
Purpose:  my second and last prompt filling for the 2012 Holiday Fic Challenge.  You know me, squeaking by at the last minute!!!  (if for some reason livejournal decides to screw with me on this, I am trying to put it under a cut!)

You face it or you face me… Last night, Sammy woke up in the middle of the night telling me he was afraid of the thing in the closet. I went and looked. There was nothing in the closet, but I’ve seen too much not to believe that there could be. So I handed Sammy the .45 and told him the next time he saw the thing in the closet, he knew what to do. I don’t think I’ll win any awards from parenting organizations, but five nights running now Sammy has slept without nightmares. Sometimes a .45 under your pillow is all you need.

June 21, 1992

“Shut up and move over!” I heard 9 year old Sammy shout at Dean. I expected a fight to start, but Dean answered him so softly, I couldn’t hear what he said. I couldn’t help being curious, so I walked around the corner just in time to see Sammy repeatedly kicking Dean on the side of his leg. Dean was not fighting back, but was trying to stop getting kicked.
“What’s going on here?” I demanded, causing both boys to look up.

“Nothin’!…er, um, sir,” Sammy snapped, then amended when he saw my face.

“So why are you kicking your brother?”

“Cause he won’t move over!” I looked at where they were sitting; noticing Sam took up almost all of the couch, with Dean nearly sitting on the armrest. I looked at Dean, and he shrugged.

“It’s ok, Dad. Sam isn’t feeling too good.”

“I am, too!” This time, Sammy sat up and punched Dean in the arm.

“If you are going to act that way, maybe you need to go to bed, Samuel. Or maybe you need a spanking.” I suggested. This fixed his attitude in a flash. He paled a little and begged to stay up a little longer. I relented, and Dean patted Sam’s back. I returned to the kitchen to do some more research, when Dean walked in and pulled out a chair.

“He’s not right, ya know? Something has been bugging him, but he won’t say what. I don’t think he has been sleeping much at night. He was pretty upset when he found we were gonna have separate rooms this time. He keeps falling asleep on the couch during the day, and when I went to bed the other night, I found him asleep on my bed. I think that’s why he’s a little grouchy.” He got up and went back to the living room, and quickly returned. “And he’s asleep on the couch right now.” Dean went back in and sat down next to his brother, and after a while I took Sammy and put him in his own bed.

I had only stumbled into bed myself a few hours later when I awoke to Sam shaking my arm. I immediately was alert. “What’s wrong? Where’s Dean?”

“He’s asleep in his bed, Dad, please don’t be mad at me!”

“What are you doing up then, young man?”

Sam was teary eyed. “There’s something in my closet. I’m not lying, Dad. Please don’t spank me!”

I’ve seen enough to believe there could be something there, so I assured him he was safe from me, and we went together to look in his closet. I couldn’t see a thing, but it was pretty dark in there.

“Is this why you aren’t sleeping at night, and are always cranky during the day?”

“I guess so. Please don’t tell Dean I am a fraidy-cat, Dad. He’ll bug me about it.”

I smiled at him and gave him a hug. “It’s okay. It’s our little secret, Sammy. Wait here.” I went back to my room and brought back the’45 caliber pistol, and handed it to him. “If you see something, you know what to do with this, right, Son?” Sam took the gun solemnly, checked the safety, and the bullets.

“Yes, sir, I do. Thanks, Dad.”

I went back to my room, and thought about what had happened. I remember playing with my Dad’s ’45 when I was about Sam’s age, and my Dad blistered by ass with his belt for it when he caught me, lecturing the whole time about how dangerous guns were. But I know Sammy will be safe with it. My boys have been trained to handle firearms, something my Dad never did for me.

Nothing happened the rest of the night. Or for the rest of the time we stayed there, which ended up being about 5 more nights. Sometimes a ’45 under your pillow is all you need.



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