Jun 30, 2007 19:49
I'm well bored atm. Currently writing my dissertation (which is going between "current coverage of F1 in the UK and Finland", "current print coverage of F1 in the UK and Finland" and "current non-specialist coverage of F1 in the UK and Finland". Joy.)
Our oven's been fixed, finally. It broke in late May, and took them 36 days to get it done. Not happy bunnies.
Silverstone next week, Nurburgring two weeks after that (second trip there this year - such a geek), plus I should be eating out tonight, not that I can afford it but hey ho.
Job search isn't going well, in that there aren't any jobs which I'm qualified for. And the ones I am either don't interest me or the job vacancies don't exist.
But... listening to Abba atm, which can only be a good thing ^^