yes, i'm really back!

Mar 21, 2005 15:32

Sorry it's been so long my avid lj readers.. oh wait, no one reads this! I don't really think I've been doin much of anything besides work and school and not updating this journal! I had a whole lot of fun over spring break 2005! Thats right, I actually went out! It was a nice change of pace!! Its really nice to be able to talk to people that you haven't in forever and feel like you haven't completely lost all your social skills,lol. I'm learning to get along/talk to people that I don't necessarily like

Yesterday I told DJ that he should feel bad cuz this spring break was the last he will ever have! haha sucker! i have at least 2 more comin!And then I realized how horribly behind I am in school!!!
Never take 20 credit hours and work like 30 hours a week!

The St. Patty's Day Parade Festivities were so great this year and Vicki was able to make it out to it for the first time in 3 years!

I just realized over this break that I'm pretty happy where I am right now in my life! Sure, I miss out on the whole party-away at college drunkeness but I think its way better when it's only every once in a while! I'm happy with my friends, school, boyfriend. I don't LOVE work but I know there are people there who care about me which is nice. I'm starting to be more comfortable with who I am. I guess it could be because I finally have an idea of who I actually am/want to be which is something I have never had before!

I've been realizing a lot of things lately too.. I can't believe it will be a year April 30th. That's so scary! I almost feel like I wasn't living my life at all for a while but just going with the flow. But, I am trying to break out of that cuz that's no way to be!

My godson is 4! for chrissake I can't believe I am going to be 20 already! This is craziness! Although, I do feel about 40 at times due to responsibility and whatnot, its good to be actually 19 and not 40. I'd rather feel twice my age then look it,lol.

Here's a horoscope of mine for today:
You are entering a phase when you will become more social than usual. With your key planet, Mars, moving through your 11th House of Friends until the end of April, you'll do anything you can to be with those you like. But there are pitfalls to avoid. Your energy is riding a new wave of high intensity and it will now be easy for you to over commit, whether to a work project or in an emotional situation. Have fun, but don't try to do everything all at once.

another horoscope:
Patience isn't usually the first quality that comes to mind when astrologers are asked about Aries. Bravery, energy and unstoppable enthusiasm, of course -- all those undoubtedly belong to you -- but patience isn't something that comes to you easily. Keep this in mind, because you're going to have to give yourself a crash course in this attribute, and hopefully you'll get the basics down soon. Can you start now? Because today could be tricky, especially when it comes to family matters

Here is your couple's love horoscope
for Monday, March 21:
First you lead, then you follow -- why not try to walk side by side this time? Don't talk your sweetie into a choice -- and don't let your sweetie charm you into a decision. For now, just keep talking.

Okay thats enough of the horoscope mumbo jumbo.. lol i will try to get back to updatin soon!!!
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