work sucks

Jun 02, 2005 11:34

i am at work i am bored. i like this color better. i am supposed to be coding assesorial charges right now but i hate doing it so i'm not. i hate sitting in traffic in branford for an hour on my way home everyday. i hate how my car shakes like hell on my way to clinton everyday. i like getting paid $15 an hour. i hate not seeing the outdoors all day. i like having nights and weekends off. i hate that so far i have spent every night home alone. i like to complain, obviously.

lets see, so 4 and 1/2 hours to go today, then tomorrow i only have to work til 1:30. anyone free this weekend???

i think i need more work clothes. but i hate shopping.


maybe when everyone goes to lunch today i will go on AIM express like i did yesterday. i dont take a lunch break so i get out of work earlier. but danny says i have to eat lunch so i brought in grapes so i can eat them and work at the same time, therefore not really taking a lunch break, therefore still getting out at 4. nice.

i wanna dye my hair again. and cut it some more.

okay thats enough for now i'm sure i'll be doing this more often since i dont like to work
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