Title: Rainy Day Rest
razycrandomgirl Rating: G
Fandom: Firefly
Timeline: pre-series
Character(s): Serenity and early crew
Disclaimor: These charaters are totally not mine. :-)
AN: Dedicated to
sarahetc. Good luck darlin'! Thanks to
ceslas for directing, honing, and beta-ing this ficlet.(if anything's wrong with this story then it's my fault.)
Remix Magic Hands
were_lemur Grounded; in a deep sleep. Like a rest before getting the pieces together. Everything’s turned off; Captain’s orders. He tells everyone “She’ll need all her energy saved up for that long reach deep into ‘The Black’”. It’s cause I told the Sweet Little Kaylee, with her magic touch and soft voice, to relay that we need to wait awhile for those antiquated electrical jolters to get a good sleep in. Kaylee tells the Captain “She should be ready to wake in 5 hours time.”
That was 3 hours ago. The rain is here, pouring down like it only can on New Juarez. It feels different than ‘The Black’. There’s moisture everywhere, and they open every port trying to catch even the smallest breeze. Everything’s quiet inside.
The big man, Jayne, is sitting on a crate resting in the open air lock, polishing one of his many guns. He glances out into the downpour every now and then. Captain’s lying on his back trying to be still enough to catch some kind of peace. Here in the womb of Serenity everything’s quiet, everything’s still, except for those two.
Somehow he managed to lure her out into it, the First Mate and her sunny, bright ‘Man with the Magic Hands’. Queer pairing those two, but they make it make sense. He and she were out there in that soaking rain, playing. Funny to watch: Humans. It was some kind of strange locating game. “Tag”, was confusing to figure out. Who was actually ‘It’ was never clear because they never seemed to let go of each other. With hands like his I could understand her reasoning for not straying too far.
I guess they were still in the post assembly phase, which must’ve given them all kinds of extra strength. Couldn’t see how they had any at all though with the rain beating on them like it did. It came down in sheets banging against the outer hull. If you were out there longer than 10 seconds you were drowned. They didn’t care; he’d just grabbed her hand and they’d started running. He held her, she laughed and they’d kiss.
The Captain seemed annoyed, but held his tongue. Jayne grunted rubbing at the weapon in his hands, leering at Zoë’s wet … everything. He’d been working that spot for a good while. Kaylee lay against the opening of the ramp her toes in the rain. Her small hand stroked lightly over some of my smaller hydraulics. She sat quietly, giving them the smile I couldn’t.
Who could blame them for looking, really? They knew what they were doing. You weren’t alive if you didn’t know. ‘The First Mate’ and her ‘Magic Hand Man’, I just hope the First Mate knows how good she’s got it. Because I know I do.