Five Acts List

Apr 13, 2012 11:08

Here's how it works:
1. Post a list of your five favorite acts/kinks/themes/tropes to read about. Check out THIS LIST if you need some inspiration. At the bottom, add what fandoms/pairings you're interested in.
2. Go HERE and post a link to your list. Read other people's lists.
3. Write comment-fic (or longer pieces) based off of other people's lists. Post either the fics or a link to the fic in the person's post.

My Kinks/Themes
1. UST, Delayed Gratification
2. Breath Play, Bondage, Pinning, Restraints
3. Role Reversal, Tops are bottoms, bottoms are tops, Body swap
4. Triggering
5. Power/control issues, loss of control, power plays, abuse of power, barely contained alcohol abuse

Angel, BtVS: Angel(us)/Drusilla, Angel(us)/Faith, Faith/Wesley, Lilah/Wesley,
Batman Beyond: Max/Terry
Being Human: Annie/Mitchell
Blade: Danica/Hannibal
Heroes: Eden/Sylar, Maya/Peter, Maya/Sylar
Hidden Palms: Cliff/Nikki
Supernatural: Bela/Dean, Sam/Ruby (all versions of Sam)
True Blood: Jason/Pam, Jason/Tara
Vampire Diaries: Bonnie/Damon, Bonnie/Stefan, Bonnie/Tyler, Greta/Stefan, Katherine/Stefan
Crossovers: Bonnie/Dean, Bonnie/Sam, Dean/Maya, Maya/Sam

fandoms, five acts, prompts, memes

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