meme stolen from bellonablack

Aug 27, 2011 06:17

1. Open your .gif folder.
2. Use every third .gif as a reaction to the statement.
3. No cheating!

Your parents' reaction when you were born:

How you felt on your first day of school:

Your reaction when you learned how to ride a bike:

Your reaction to getting a birthday present from your best friend:

How you felt when you got your first crush:

How your crush felt when you told them:

Your reaction when your parents sat you down to have the Talk:

How you felt after your First Kiss:

Your partner's reaction to the kiss:

How you felt after your first hangover:

How you felt after having sex for the first time :

How you felt waiting for your exam results :

Your reaction to failing an exam:

Your reaction to passing an exam:

How you felt after you got into your chosen university:

Your reaction to being dumped by your partner:

How you felt after smoking pot for an evening:

Everyone's reaction to a party you organized:

Your reaction to finding your True Love:

Your reaction to graduating:

How you felt on your wedding day:

How you felt during your wedding night:

Your reaction when you find out your pregnant:

A gif that describes the rest of your life:

Your family's reaction when you pass away:


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