Somebody Like You and Me (fic)

Jul 06, 2011 02:25

Title: Somebody Like You and Me

Fandom: The Vampire Diaries

Rating: PG

Word Count: 331

Characters/Pairings: Bonnie, Damon, Mason

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: 206 'Plan B'

Summery: I saw the werewolf, and the werewolf was crying. Cryin' nobody know, nobody knows my pain.
When I see that its risen; that full moon again.

Author’s Notes: Thanks to gimmemypickle  for the beta. Originally a drabble for stainofmylove , but I started thinking more about Mason.

Bonnie stood for a moment and watched as Damon spread out the tarp beneath Mason. She only knew of the man indirectly; he was Tyler’s uncle, the mayor’s brother, but supposedly he was a threat to Elena. So it had to be enough.

She pressed her hand against his temples and looked into him. It all rushed so quickly; the images, the emotions, the sensations, and she sorted them swiftly as she could. This was different than the things she felt with vampires.

She took it in as best she could, without tipping her hand to the vampire beside her. She shook a little at the rush, but Damon was much too interested in the information she could provide to notice.

She pressed her body closer to the werewolf’s; he felt like a person under her hands.

“That can’t be right,” Bonnie said as she strengthened her internal grip on Mason, and became a little breathless. His skin was like fire and the burning beneath it called to her.

Damon spoke again, this time asking about the whereabouts of the Moonstone. Bonnie became distracted as she answered him, and felt the werewolf’s hand latch onto her wrist.  She gasped, not from his grip but from what ran through her in the contact. She felt the werewolf-

She felt Mason’s exhaustion from running, running from himself and his curse. She felt his self-hate at taking life and becoming a monster. The pain that plagued him at abandoning his brother for a life of freedom. Richard Lockwood was dead and now everyone in this room knew Mason Lockwood was next.

Damon’s hand came up to push Bonnie away. It was a quick, vicious rush, but it was enough. The blood, the hunger and Damon’s thirst for violence swept up into her. She felt overwhelmed with his rage and longing. In the briefest of touches, Bonnie saw what was coming next, and she didn’t want to be there when it started.

She ran away.

fic, vampire diaries

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