Taut (fic)

Jan 10, 2011 16:40

Title: Taut

Fandom: Misfits

Rating: PG13

Word Count: 418

Characters/Pairings: Simon/Alisha

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: before 207

Summery: How two people who can't touch, make it work ... in bed. ;)

Author’s Notes: FREE-FOR-ALL COMMENT FIC MEME for stainofmylove  prompt: Nathan's famous "dry humping" line.

Simon stayed on top of the covers as Alisha was prone to getting cold in the night. She stole the covers anyway. He didn’t understand it. Maybe he hadn’t effected her the same way that she did him, but he thought he’d burn up just lying next to her.

“…happy home-made sex puppet …”

His eyes widened as he smiled down at her, his hand laying over the blanket that covered her thigh. She stirred, eyes opening to look at him. Earthy green eyes met icy blue and he let out a sigh before leaning back against the mattress.

“What is it?” she asked when she noted the amused curl on his lips.

“You were talking in your sleep again.”

“Oh Christ what did I say this time?”

“Shh.” he soothed, lifting his hand and carefully placing it on the crown of her head. His fingers stroked the tresses atop.

“You’re going to mess it up.” She tried moving beneath the bedding, fist coming against the covers, pulling them, but there wasn’t enough give to undo the tucking Simon had administered.

“That’s not possible.” Simon gave her a satisfied smile and rolled over to settle his body over hers. He pulled the sheet up and laid it over her neck before placing a warm kiss against the formerly naked spot. Alisha shifted her legs and felt his sex stiffen against hers. She tried to cradle his hips with her legs but the sheets were too tight.

“You have been secured. I am extraordinarily good at making beds and you, Alisha, are well tucked in.”

Alisha, again, tested the security of the sheets and found that while it wasn’t impossible to get loose, it proved to be more than a little difficult.

“Well, what are you going to do with me in this extremely vulnerable position.” She smiled pushing her torso against him and felt his fingers tighten over her covered shoulder. He kissed her between words.

“We could just cuddle ... and when you're ready we could do some dry humping.”  Simon lifted his head to give her a brazen look. She thrashed beneath him and he started to laugh.

“You cheeky bastard. Are you using seriously one of that pick’s lines on me?”

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t help myself!” He curled off of her in a fit giggles.

“You made me think of him when I’m with you! Let me up I’m going to be sick!”

misfits!, gift!fic, fic, prompts

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