Team Angel! YAY!

Jul 12, 2010 03:18

Bad fic

Dawn was training in the back of the magic box when her boyfriend ryley entered threw the side window breaking his leg as he entered.

"it;s okay dawn. I have you wight where i want you." he said doing a back flip and landing on his bow staff.

Where's buffy, honey? dawn said as she kissed him a hello as she threw her leg out to catch th demon that followed him threw the door.

Oh you know how she is. She's taking a vacation mexico with Angle. They are having the snookey time.

Well that's good to here" Ryley said hiding a smile as he set his leg back. A manly tear rolled down his face at the singing pain of hearing about Buffy moving on to the vampire with a soul. After Spike killed himself he found the strength to move one with the hotter summers sister. He was there to comfort Dawn when Buffy ran away from home to be with Angle.

Ryley new he would do anything for love, but he wouldn't do that.

"You reminissing big fella?" Dawn said as she glowed very brightly and evaporated all deamon essesnes from the room. it was a quick and easy clean up that came with dawns key powers.

"How could you tell?" he demanded rubbing his leg. And Dawn sand

Will you raise me up, will you help me down?
Will you get me right out of this God forsaken town?
Will you make it all a little less cold?

Then Ryley replied

I can do that. Oh I can do that.

and they danced the night away as Meat Loaf played in the background.

This one wouldn’t last as long as her last one. She felt the loss, but sadness wasn’t quite what she would call what she was feeling. She wouldn’t say she cared about feelings beyond the sensations that came with her body.

The vessel.

It was a nice one, it felt pleasure and that was all she really cared about, if she cared at all really. She frowned looking down at her new pet, whose pale green eyes were bright with defiance.

“My puppy’s gone. The silly little whelp got loose and got himself impaled on a stake for his troubles. And I wasn’t even the one that did it! As long as I un-live, I’ll never forgive Xander for that.”

She swiveled her head to look at a small pile of dusk that lay next to the broken body of a blond girl. She walked over to the body squatted down and ran her fingers over the single long braid. She produced a knife from the corpse, slipped it under the braid separating it from the head.

“I wasn’t finished with them yet.” She spat down at the body while she tucked the trophy into her waistband.

The thing she’d been talking too scrunched itself up further back into its corner. Its shoulder and kneecap were broken. When it moved its boots squeaked against the floor. That pulled her attention back, and even though it was lying in the pitchest of corners, she could see him plainly.

She stood slowly, standing fully.

“Oh well, Puppy’s gone,” she crooned with an over exaggerated pout as red, red hair fell against the cold, dead cheek. Her lips spread suddenly into a vicious smile. “But you’re still here, now aren’t cha?”

It coughed making a noise deep down in its throat that like sounded like a whimper.

“Oh look atcha, shaking like a little rabbit.” She sauntered toward him with the gleam of a knife in her hand. “Caught in the brier patch, little rabbit? Don’t worry, Willow’s gonna cut you out.”

Oz began to shake as her hand brushed up against his leg.

“Oh and feel free to scream like a rabbit, if ya like. I always thought that was the cutest sound ever.”

fic, groupie, challenges

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