Gift!fic drabbles

Jul 01, 2010 22:27

Into the Slumber (PG)
The Vampire Diaries
Bonnie, Elena for yhlee

Bonnie said she had been there, but not when it all happened. She was there behind her own eyes, trapped inside her own body, unable to move, as such power rushed over her. She said she'd never been more frighted in her life.

Elena came back into the bedroom and spied Bonnie touching her neck another countless time that night. Elena only washed her face and brush her teeth since Bonnie used up all the hot water trying to wash away the days events.

Elena didn't want to leave Bonnie alone for too long. Mostly because she didn't want to be alone herself, but also because she was afraid that if she let Bonnie out of her sight, Emily would  return.

"I want my life to be boring again." Bonnie said.

Elena pulled back the covers and crawled in next to her. Her own mind raced with the events of the day. The séance, the possession, the fire, Damon ... Stefan.

"How are you feeling?"

She shook her head, face set in a frown. Her fingers curled around her own shoulder and she answered.

"Like a witch whose been possessed by a ghost and then bitten by a vampire."

Elena reached out and took Bonnie's hand, it was like ice.

"Remember the good old days when you liked a boy and his family members didn't go on murdering sprees?"

Elena gave a tight smile and squeezed Bonnie's hand.

"I am grateful to Stefan. And when I'm ready, I'll tell him so, but his brother better stay the hell away from me."

Elena said nothing, just pulled the covers up around both of them. Bonnie sighed and scrunched down. She let go of Elena's hand to touch her neck again and turned her body so that their legs were touching.

"Will you be able to sleep?" Elena asked.

"They won't be able to get in will they?"

"Not unless you invite them in." There was a rustling and Elena felt Bonnie breath against her shoulder.

"Then, I'll sleep okay, tonight."

Puppet (R)
Ruby/Sam for softly_me

Ruby wondered at the naivety of her mark. Just because the body she inhabited was an empty sack, didn't make the things they did with it any less wrong. Wrong was wrong was wrong.

And it was that thought that made her smile when she was sure Sam couldn't see. When his head was bowed down between its thighs and the sound of its voice floated up into the air, calling out his name. She laughed about it later.

A meat puppet was nothing without the demon inside whispering and telling it what to do.

Ruby was lucky when she found the one she had, laying up in a hospital bed seemingly waiting for her to jump its useless, lonely bones. Because it was a pretty one; and it would need to be a pretty one for the work she had in store for little Sammy Winchester. She'd need him to forget and remember that the thing she wore like a suit, had once been a person. Loosening of the thread.

She needed to touch him with it, smile at him with, fuck him with it.

When he grabbed its limbs and called out her name ... she smiled.

Tethered (PG)
The Vampire Diaries
Damon, Bonnie for spikeysgrl18

Damon caught up with her in the woods. Elena told him about the young witch's suicide plan to take down a pack of werewolves all by her lonesome. She was turning out to be quite the brave little toaster. Brave, but lucky for Damon, Bonnie was still new to this world.

He stood over Bonnie and curled his hand to touch her face. He'd gotten the jump on her somehow and it was good for him that he had or she would have burned him to a crisp. Which would have then lead to her being devoured alive by a pack of werewolves.

His hand trailed down her neck to the place where he had, once upon a time, opened her up and drank ... deeply. Her pulse sprang against his fingers, her blood calling out to him, he licked his lips at the memory.

With eyes darkening, he slipped his arms underneath her, then hauled her up into them. Her head lay against his shoulder and he let his lips brush over the skin of her forehead. He took in a deep breath and tried to will the craving away.

"You're not going to make this easy are you, Little Witch?"

Nothing but the Blood (PG)
True Blood
Tara, Lettie Mae for yalegirl03
What can wash away my sin?

Once upon a time, Tara Mae Thornton was a raised to be a good, God fearing little church girl. She would wear little white dresses that had frill on the edges and little white leather shoes that squeaked when they accidentally knocked into each other when she ran in the roads. She loved that dress and those shoes. She loved waking up on Sunday morning and rejoicing in the day that the lord had made. Tara Mae Thornton loved Jesus. And most of all she loved her mama.

Nothing but the blood of Jesus;

Her mother signed her up for the childrens choir. Tara Mae didn't really have the best singing voice but she was the loudest. Her mother was there in the isles clapping her glove covered hands and swaying with the music. She looked so proud and that made Tara Mae's heart glad.

What can make me whole again?

Mama would take communion every Sunday, because she was God's special child. She kept the blood of Christ in a dark, round, burgundy flask, and takes sips from it while everyone else was praying. Her mama smiles and sings along, but it's different.

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

There are no more Sundays morning like their used to be. There is no more singing on the children's choir. Tara Mae's shoes are scuffed and broken beyond repair (not that her mother would waste the money to repair them). Now the blood is all that matters. Her mama needs it all the time now. She calls out for it in the middle of the day and sends her daughter out into the hot evening sun to find the blood.

No more pretty white dresses with the frills when her mother is laid up in bed, sick with need. So sick that none of the washing got done and Tara Mae had been sent out in a half slip and dirty undershirt to go get her mama another bottle from the liquor store.

Oh! precious is the flow

They knew Tara Mae's name there.

That makes me white as snow;

They knew her mama's order.

No other fount I know,

What she needed.

Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Remember me (G)
BTVS, Kendra,

Remember me?

They didn’t. They don't.

Not Mr. Zebuto who-probably even now a pack up him books and belongings and a get himself ready for him fresh new slayer.

Not de girl who's like me, but aint. Not me, cause she have family and friend and schoolin'. All distractions ... so me was taught.

So why me dead and she livin' when I did follow de rules and do de training, and read de handbook?

How soon dem figet. How she now live on with her rule breaking, with her family and friend and her vampires. The Vampire dem she was supposed to be Slayin'!





Bare distraction.

I had me duty. Me killed vampires, me train, me slay well and die protecting her friend, her family, her Watcher! Like the warrior (weapon) I was raised (made) to be. That's all I had to worry about.

Me never have no distractions. Me only have one shirt.

So who remember me?

No one.

Not the council who now be calling de next girl. As it should be.

I just pray de next Slayer is better at slaying vampires than Buffy was.


*AN: Thanks to leoprincess for helping me out with the authentic Yardi sound

gift!fic, writing, supernatural, fandom, vampire diaries, drabbles, tv

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