I Am My Father's Son

Mar 11, 2010 18:26

 Title: I Am My Father's Son

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG

Word Count: 574

Characters/Pairings: Arthur, Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: Vol 3

Summery: You never looked so sane, you always did prefer the drizzle to the rain.

Author’s Notes: Just wanna thank gimmemypickle  for the beta.

PROMPT TABLES Un_love_you prompt # 4 I need to want you

Gabriel watched Arthur through the window outside his office. The man was sitting at his desk leaning over an envelope that, by the expression on Arthur's face, seemed to hold disappointing news. Before Gabriel could think on what that news might be Arthur looked up and Gabriel felt suddenly like he'd been caught as the older man waved his hand beckoning him to enter. He opened the door taking in a deep breath as he stepped through the threshold. A hauntingly familiar scent greeted him.

Smells like... But he did not let himself finish that thought.

There were moments when he wished, fleetingly, that he'd taken ... possessed the clairvoyant ability. There were people he wanted to ... think on and for other reasons beyond just wanting to know where they were, how they were, what they were doing. He supposed it would have been too much of a temptation. Another tool he'd use to disassemble himself.

He didn't know what made him think of her at times. A Spanish phrase, the smell of saffron, the flicker of long dark hair against warm, smooth, bronzed skin. He sniffed at the air once more, stopping when Arthur gave him a puzzled look.

"You wanted to see me ... uh, Dad?" The word always felt strange in his mouth. He hoped the more he said it the less weird it would feel.

"I won't be a moment," Arthur replied, signing his name on what looked to be a check that didn't lack for its number of zeros. Gabriel stuck his hands into his pockets and pretended not to be interested. He failed to keep up the charade when he noticed whose name was on the check.

M. Herrera.

Gabriel frowned, crossing his arms over his chest.

His father never told him that he'd been financially supporting her. He supposed it was because he never bothered to ask. But why should he? He gave her what she asked for. brought her to New York with him, took her to see Dr. Suresh. He even left her alive, so she could have her cure.

Job done. Time to move on. Right?

So why was Arthur still keeping tabs? It didn't matter.

He had other things to think about now. He was too busy proving himself to his new family to worry about it. He was trying to fit into where he belonged now. A new life. A new home. A new family.

Too busy...

But the papers on Arthur's desk were from Primatech and had their names peppered all over them.

'The union of Maya Herrera and Gabriel Gray  ... a success.'
He squinted his eyes, moving to take a closer look, just as his father stood placing a manila envelope over the papers and opened his arms in a distracting gesture. Something like a hug. Gabriel stepped back in reflex, before he lowered his eyes and felt his cheeks redden. It was strange to be welcomed for a change. Gabriel lifted his gaze, and being a Petrelli now, went to his father who slipped an arm over his shoulder.

He felt as if he was being led away (knew it on a tangible level), but buried the thought and let himself enjoy the feeling. It was fresh and new, and he didn't want to ruin another relationship. Not this time. Not when he had this chance. So, he didn't allow himself to wonder and he didn't ask questions.

fic, un_love_you, heroes

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