Among the Fields (fic)

Jan 19, 2010 00:10

Title: Among the Fields

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: G

Word Count: 451

Characters/Pairings: Alejandro, Maya

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: Vol.2 AU

Summery: "Sights and sounds pull me back down another year ... I was here ...  I was here ..." Tori Amos

Author’s Notes: I had 'Fields of Gold' on a loop and now 'Gold Dust' won't leave me alone. I think the theme = "Gold".

PROMPT TABLES 100heroesfics # 40 "Sight"

She was in the field, wondering with a cloth over her eyes. Her hands reaching out in front of her as she followed her child's laughter.

He watched from so far away, wanting to step out into the sunlight. To go up and greet his family. And he didn't fight it as his feet wondered silently through the high grass. His body making no sound as they barely moved against him.

Towards her.

He looked off into the distance, lifting a finger to his lips and the child gasp when her mother stumbled and then hid her giggles behind her fingers when she recovered smoothly.

A wondering hand reached out in front of her, searching for what was just there. Reaching, searching for more. He stood in front of her just out of her reach. Still as a corpse, and took a deep breath as the wind kicked up around them. Her gown caught up in it like a high kite. He rubbed his thumb over his fingers and she took a step closer.

"Where are you, darling?"

And her hand reached out catching an unnatural chill, a confused frown materializing on her face.

And he stood still.

She reached for her blindfold. He stopped her.

"She's just beyond the garden." Called out a whisper. "She's waiting for you there, but you have to keep it on or she'll know. She'll know you saw." She nodded curtly and the wind kicked up her hair once more.

"Please, sir," she whispered. "Spin me in her direction."

"I shall make it a dance. But I must warn you, I am not as good as I once was."

"All the better that she thinks I am teaching you. Will you help me?"

"I will." he danced her back toward the garden gate and spun her until her feet met the bare walkway, humming a tune she knew she should know. ~Nunca olvides esto, mi hermana.*~ Then he let go and she tumbled to the ground with dizzying, warm laughter. She listened as tiny footfalls neared her. She laid backward on to the cool ground as her daughter came to meet her.

"Are you alright, mama? I saw you fall."

"It's okay, baby. I just got a little dizzy is all. Tell the man not to worry."

"What man, Mama?"

Maya pulled the blindfold from her eyes and felt the sun stinging them.

"Don't be rude, Anna. The stranger who-" But when her eyes adjusted, she saw only the field on the edge of the forest line. "Where did he go?"

"Who mama? Did you hit your head?"

"Don't be smart!" she chided while she stood searching for what she knew to be a ghost.

Never forget this, my sister.*

fic, maya herrera, heroes, 100 maya stories!

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