Happy Birthday to You! (with fic)

Aug 22, 2009 10:43

Wishing sinemoras09  a happy birthday!

Title: Stalk. Stalker. Stalking.

Fandom: Dr Horible

Rating: PG 13

Word Count: 980

Characters/Pairings: Billy/Penny

Disclaimer: Belonging to Joss Whedon

Summery: Just a creepy dude with a sleeping tonic. Sure Penny it's safe. >_>

Author’s Notes: Sorry for the wait  (I owed this along time ago ... but hey birthday fic) and I hope you like it. :-\ I might owe you another if its really bad. :\

She was having trouble sleeping. I only helped her.

"It's from my Nan. She used to use it on us kids when we got to be a little too much for her." He smiles handing over the bottle of liquid; it's green and frothy. "It's fresh don't worry. Its great for sleep." His eyes glow brightly as his mouth makes the perfect P noise at the end of his sentence. He twitches a little, stuffing his hands back into his pockets, losing himself in the glint of the florescent light bouncing off her deep red hair.

"What is it?" she asked shaking the bottle between her fingers

"A sleeping tonic. It's safe. Other wise I wouldn't be here today." He give a strange sort of laugh that settles under the hum of distant dryers. She doesn't notice, just examines the bottle. He watched her holding his breath.

"Well," she said so suddenly he felt himself jump out of his skin "I guess it couldn't hurt." She shrugged, shoving the vial into the pocket of sweater she wore. "I'll let ya know how it goes, Billy. Thanks again!"

Her smile is the last thing he sees as she walks out the door with a small wave.


He waits outside her apartment, taking his favorite spot to get the best view of the inside of her window. He watches her get read for bed, like he's watched her many nights before this one: This special night.
she sits on the end of her bed, he sees the bottle in her hands and then the lines in her face as she takes it down in one whole swallow. His heart beats thickly in his chest and he steps out of his favorite hide-y whole. He climbs up to her window leaning against the frame. His breath paints a soft aura on the glass and he reaches out a finger drawing a heart in the moisture. it gives a little, swinging opened. his looks is surprised and he nearly falls inside.

The smell of all things Penny waft, pungently into his nose, attacking his brain. he looks over at her bed. She is under the covers. All except one smooth long naked leg and he holds his breath, eyes stinging as his mouth fills with the smell of her; laundry and shampoo and the light powdery smell of her skin. His foot hits the floor soundlessly, not that she'd hear in her current state. Nan always liked her quiet. He just wants to see, to get a closer look.

He sits on the very edge of her bed looking toward the very window that allowed him entry. It that carries that lovely scent out over the trash rotting in the streets. He feels deflated as a light breeze swings the window shut with a soft click, sealing them together in her sanctuary. Sanctuary; that you're violating even now! What would she say, if she new you were in here? Get out! Billy feels his head pounding. It hurts with the screaming voices. He presses the heel of his hand hard into his eyes, surprised when his sleeves come away a little damp. He pushes away from the bed; angry footsteps echoing throughout the room. "I can't do this!"


He froze ... listened.

"Billy ... pass the golden frog soap..."

She talks in her sleep. She talks about me? He can't make himself stop as he turned to watch her lying on the bed. The sheet pulls off a little more and the pale cheek of her bottom stood stark against the darkness. His steps lead him back to the bed. He let his fingers hover above her skin. The scent of her is stronger and he can feel her body heat rising; collecting in the palm if his hand. He can almost feel her.


Suddenly he grabs at the sheet, tugging violently till it covers her full. He sinks to the floor beside her and his sobs are soft. Too Soft. Too soon. Not this way ... he leans his head back against the mattress, sniffing loudly. His throat hurts and he can hear her breathing, her fingers so close to her hair.

A couple of weeks later Billy thinks its safe to return to the laundromat.

"Hey Billy!"

"Hey Penny, it's been a while hasn't it?" he does a strange hysterical giggle and his eye twitches nervously. Thankfully she doesn't seem to notice.

"Yeah, I never got a chance to tell you; that stuff you gave me worked miracles!"

His face burned white hot and he knew he must look like a beet.

"Uh .... you're welcome." he murmured softly, shoving his jeans into the washer.

"I had some funky dreams though."

"SIIDE EFFECTS! I mean, 'Oh'?" He still can't stand to look at her. He empties the detergent into the load, closing the lid and pressing the button.

"Yeah..." There's a pause and then: "you were in it. It was weird-."

"Was I?! ... was I weird in your dream? cause its not exactly my fault if you eat Chinese food before falling asleep, making strange animal noise ...!" His eyes light up in a panicked way and the twitch in his eye is back with avengance. "I mean--!" He said as he took a calming breath. "That could have been a side effect. Sorry I didn't warn you about them."

"It's okay, Billy. It was a nice dream." Her cheeks pink up. Pinker than usual.

"Was it?" He smiled a little and this time his shoulder jerked when his eye twitched. She turned back to her basket, pressing down a sweater into her freshly dried pile. He closed his eyes, taking a deep chest warming breath. The silence was nice, comfortable.

"Side effects, huh?" she said suddenly.

"Minor." He smiled at her again and she smiled back.


Why aren't you off!? I hope you do something fun!

love and miss you! come back to us! :'(

gift!fic, friends, love, birthdays

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