Professional Attire (fic)

Jun 10, 2009 19:20

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: Professional Attire

Fandom: Star Trek IX

Rating: PG

Word Count: 377

Characters/Pairings: Spock and Uhura ... (duh)

Disclaimer: Don’t own.

Spoilers/Time Line: Nope.

Summery: "Lieutenant Uhura, you are out of uniform."
Author’s Notes:  I had to do at least one S/U.

Communications Officer, Lieutenant Uhura entered onto the bridge as she did everyday, when she was on duty. Nothing out of the order, as far as anyone had noticed. Anyone who wasn't Commander and Chief Science Officer, Spock.

She took her to her station and began her work diligently, just as she did everyday. The Commander and Chief Science Officer raised a sharp eyebrow and angled his head slightly in her direction.

Lieutenant Uhura crossed her legs letting the warm glow of her thigh brush against the cushion of her seat. She leaned back manning the controls at arms length and catching the Commander and Chief Science Officer's stare.

Communications Officer smiled politely, nodding her head in return before she swiveled in her chair. The motion angled her leg so that her leather clad calve smoothed against the arch of her knee. She leaned forward again and her star fleet issued uniform rose up at the back.

Illogical, The Commander and Chief Science Officer thought, as he tiled his head in contemplation of her uniform. The Lieutenant reached for a control at the far end of console. The bottom of her uniform pulled higher reveling non star fleet issued knickers. They were of a very sumptuous design, he thought.

Spock  had noticed.

At the end of their shift, while they were alone, between decks on the turbo lift, he approached her on the subject of attire.

"Lieutenant Uhura, if I may?"

"Yes, Commander Spock?"

"It has come to my attention that you are out of uniform."

The Lieutenant pursed her lips, but kept her eyes forward, her posture perfect.

"Not quite yet, sir. But if you would like to assist me in that area we can make further arrangements in my personal quarters."

The Commander and Chief Science Office blinked.

"Is 24:00 hours, a convenient time for you?" he continued admirably.

The Communications Officer nodded in confirmation. The Commander and Chief Science Officer's back straighten all the more, as the doors opened and Communications Officer stepped out ahead of him. Before the doors closed The Communications Officer turned looking The Commander and Chief Science Officer straight in the eye.

"Commander Spock?" She inquired.

"Yes Lieutenant?" He replied.

"Took you long enough to notice, ... Sir." Uhura finished just as the doors hissed closed.

fic, movies

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