It Happened Round Midnight (fic)

May 24, 2009 16:52

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: It Happened Round Midnight

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: NC-17

Word Count: 1486

Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Maya

Disclaimer: Don't own. WTF Kring!

Spoilers/Time Line: AU

Summery: PWP could follow/spoil another story, but mostly a stand alone.

Author's Notes: For Midnight prompt at heroes_contest

"God we're idiots!" Maya paced.

"I don't understand we used all the best tricks." Gabriel said with a more than nervous smile.

"That's just what they turned out to be, Gabriel, Tricks ... I don't think there were actually supposed to prevent pregnancy ... on the contrary I mean we were fucking. "

Maya ...

"You know, this sucks! We're married we shouldn't have to use condoms!"

"We will if we don't want to ... have to ... you know..."

"No I don't know, cause that's not going to happened. This is not happening!"

But the test said ...

"And that's easy for you to say! You aren't the one who's going be huge and rolling all over the place!"

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves ... rolling?

Maya let out an exaggerated sigh and continued to pace.

"I think -" Gabriel started.

"Shut up!" Maya ended.

He started to say something, then thought better of it. Instead he pondered on the predicament that got them into the situation.


"Its okay, get on top." He slips his fingers over her skin.

"What's that gonna do?" she asked out of breath, pressing down on him and he nearly lost his mind from the motion.

"Oh Go-...!" he gasped. Yup he was dying. "Uh ... you know gravity! I won't be able to ... oh shit!"

"Are you coming?" she moved faster, determined to beat him to the punch. "You better not come!"

"I'm not, I'm not, I'm not -- Oh God!" He gripped her hips hard, stalling her motions and she growled. Maya actually growled.

"What are you doing! Don't stop!" she pushed down on his shoulders and tried to move again, but her husband as stronger ... for now.

"God, Maya you have to stop!" He hissed when he felt her pull tighter on him and his ears felt like they'd clogged because all sound came to him in muffled distortion. But he heard her whine when he pull her off of him.

"What's wrong? What's the matter? Did I hurt you?" she was out of breath and her voice full of concern.

He shook his head sitting up some, to lean back against the headboard. "We just need to stop for a while."

"What's the matter?" She sounded a tad curt.

"Nothing." He said looking at her sideways and attempting to catch his breath. He had to calm down. "... I was just a little more ready than you were."

"Is that it?" she sat up a bit on her elbow and peered down at his thick swollen member. She licked her lips. He averted his eyes and felt even hotter.

"It would have been a bad scene." he replied leaning down to obscure her hungry view of his penis. She let out a frustrated groan and flopped back on the mattress impatiently. Her breast bobbed at the motion and he brought his hand to his mouth, to wipe away the drool.

"Is that it?! You were gonna ...?"

"Maybe we should stop. We really shouldn't be --"

"No, no, it's okay really, we were doing just fine!" she said with a shake of her head.

"We don't have any protection."

"I like your idea about me being on top. It's a really good idea. I'm sure it will be just fine. As a matter of fact I think I remember reading about it in that book you were talking about earlier. Sit up." He did. (a little too swiftly for a man trying to the maintain advantage) Following her instructions, he redirected himself so that he was on his knees. She turned her back to him, pulling her hair off her shoulders. He swallowed hard. 'Oh God' he thought.

"I think I remember it saying that it would work better if I faced away from you."

"Maya ..." His voice was a throaty groan.

"No, I do remember now. Like if my breast aren't in your face, they won't be a big distraction. And here put your hands here," She grabbed his hands putting them on her, ushering one hand to the moist thatch between her legs "You can help me. Here."

He groaned loudly when he felt her ass slide against his sensitive prick. Gripping her closer to him he felt her ribs expand and contract from her heavy breathing. He thrust instinctively against her, sliding along her skin, breathing hard in her hear. She shuddered.

"When you get close just uh ---" She was cut off when Gabriel snaked his fingers between her leg. And when she rose up to push toward them he used the motion to slip into her. He hissed and she cried out clamping down hard on his cock. He gritted his teeth, pulled until he was almost out of her then pushed back in, setting a dark, furious motion.

She wasn't forming words anymore and he would have rejoiced in the farce victory if it hadn't felt like he was slipping on the edge of a very high, very flimsy cliff. He felt like a pilot on a sirens voyage. Knowing he was close to the end, but not really caring one way or the other ... He just wanted to get as close as he could before the end.

He was on her back pushing her down into the mattress, pinning her against it. The angle of her body beneath his own felt magnificent. The image of her caught and writhing in pleasure bringing him closer ... closer. He trapped her hand beneath his own and slowed his pace. It was excruciating. He whimpered with an huge effort to control. She clenched again, he jerked in reaction. She swirled her hips trying to get him to move inside her.

"Más, por favor!" Maya invoked.

He sank his fingers into her hair, tugging firmly and she hissed in pleasure. Gabriel brought his lips to hear ear and whispered. "Tu va a pedir limosna!" She tried to turned her cheek away flushing furiously. "Uh-uh. I want to see." He said, hand tightening against the strands.

Gabriel jerked his hips violently The maneuver was almost a question and she gasped, squeezing her eyes shut. He was on her back, their skin wet, helping him to maneuver. He let go of her and used his hand to push it off her neck. There. The gold of the chain glittered, catching his eyes. Some how her cross had gotten turned around and now rested on he shining skin at the nape of her neck. He was caught. Gabriel thrust harder and this time she cried out. He laid his hand into the mattress taking his weight on them as the fingers of his other hand came to fondle the warm metal. Digits splayed out against her feverish skin.

"Maya-- I'm gonna--"

"DON'T STOP!" Her own fingers were reaching out for him digging into his skin, grabbing for him. Her grip slipped ... there were actually marks!

He gripped her hips hard, thrusting keenly as he felt her jerk and spasm around him. He tried. Oh how he tried. Biting is lip, sprawling his body over hers he finished in mid thrust, groaning loudly. His fist connected loudly with the headboard as Maya pushed herself back into him with her body. The motion surprised him and he felt like has falling. But he was to over run with his own orgasm to care.

he rested against her enjoying the nursing affect her body had on his. A sudden lazy thought drifted out from the depths of bliss. Wasn't he supposed to be doing something. He looked down at there exposed union, their entwined sex and another more sobering thought occurred to him.

He failed.

"Oops." He said allowed.

"Oops?" Maya murmured against his arm, already dozing.

Gabriel winced at the sound of her voice. His body was already flushed but his face felt suddenly warmer. "I uh ..."

"What ...? Oh. Don't worry about it, cariño." She replied drifting off to sleep like every after they'd done especially well together. "I'm sure everything w- m'hh..." she was out before she could finish the sentence.
Maya was still ranting about the "how's and why's" to their current state.

Gabriel bit his lip in an effort to hide his growing smile. "Father" he let the word roll around in his head see if he could get use to it. He looked over at the agitated Latina, pacing back and forth in front of the apartment windows. He leaned back against a wall and watched her. He knew she wasn't really upset maybe just a little scared. He was going to enjoy this moment before the emotion had a change to get around to him.

"Family." He whispered. Maya stopped pacing to look at him.

"What did you say?" she asked. She was gnawing at her lip.

He crossed over to her, wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. " I said 'Thank you'."

fic, maya herrera, smut, gabriel gray, heroes, prompts, maybriel

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