Just the Tip (fic)

Mar 22, 2009 21:23

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: Just the Tip

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG-13

Word Count:  600

Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Maya

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: AU

Summery:  I think the title says enough. unbeta'd

"Are you sure this will work?" She asked, here eyes disbelieving.

"I'm sure, I read about it somewhere." He replied, pursing his lips in concentration.

"In one of your many books, I'm so sure." Maya smiled and wiggled her toes in an effort to distract him.

"I can do this. I'm sure of it." He shook out his hands, then balled them up, popping some tendons. He scooted closer.

"Gabriel, you're not protected. And I really don't think that's the best position ..."

"Its just the tip...  Maya please, please, please, please ..."

She snorted and gave him a significant look that held an interesting mix of baffled amusement. She took a breath to say something, then changed her mind and decided to go with "You are beginning to sound like a child." Gabriel's attention was focused on the task at hand and his fingers moved to test the boundaries.

"I really wouldn't -" She recommended.

"Shh! I know what I'm doing. Don't break my concentration or this won't work." He murmured.

Maya leaned back, folding her lips against her teeth, biting back a smile. His hands shook ever so slightly, he took a breath steadying them as they neared their goal. He pressed the plank in his fingers against the tight opening before them. He held his breath and heard Maya gasp audibly as the shaft pushed into the cavity.

"There we go." He letting out a steady, calming breath. A dangerous rocking motion started but he kept pushing.

"Gabriel ...?" Her voice had a warning edge to it but he was too focused to notice.

"... Maya ... I need ... Quiet." The thunder rolled outside the window. He gave one final push and then cringed as the thing of nightmares happened right before his eyes. Thunder boomed loudly and the lights in the apartment flickered for an endless terrifying moment. His fingers trembled and the tower of blocks shook, swayed, tilted and finally crashed into what seemed like a million wooden pieces that scattered across the floor.

"I tried to tell you." Her voice bubbled with laughter and she slipped against the plastic of the chair resting behind her. It squeaked loudly.

Gabriel let out a tired sigh and mussed his own hair. "One more game?" He asked. The lights flickered again, as the storm played havoc on some important electrical wire somewhere in the building. Maya stood up and stretched her hands high above her head, letting out a soft groan. Her bones gave off faint cracking sounds as Gabriel began to reset the 'Jenga' game. His eyes flickered, warily, every once in a while to the (in his words) "Raging Apocalyptic Nor'eastern ending life as we know it in Queens".

"No ..." Her voice tapered off as she looked down at her husband, gathering up blocks that littered the living room floor. "I'm tired of that game." Gabriel's shoulders sagged disappointingly. He poked at his glasses massaging the space between his eyes. Maya lifted her leg, poking at his shoulder with her naked toe. "Wanna have sex instead?" She offered in what she hoped sounded casual.

Gabriel dropped what he was going and charged at Maya. He grab her arm, twisting her up in a rough version of the Fireman's Cary, and began to move with -for the first time that evening- sure purpose. She squealed as he headed toward their bedroom. "What about the mess, Gabriel?" she giggled, jostling roughly over his shoulder.

"I'll get it get later!" he said, smacking her ass as he closed the bedroom door behind them.

fic, maya herrera, gabriel gray, heroes, maybriel

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