The 5 Blind Dates of Gabriel Gray (fic)

Feb 20, 2009 12:36

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: The 5 Blind Dates of Gabriel Gray

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: G - Hard R

Characters/Pairings: Virgina, Gabriel/ OFC (and some hints to canon characters)

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: None really. AU

Summery:  Virginia sets her son up on a blind date (4 ways it went ( Read more... )

gift!fic, fic, gabriel gray, heroes15, heroes, prompts

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Comments 26

albion1919 February 20 2009, 19:26:56 UTC
Ahhh that was awesome!! The first was creepy when he was talking/thinking about the tights.

I have an idea of who "Marilyn" is, that was hot and she’s so abrasive ;) The last one was so lovely, neither of them were trying because they were friends. That might grow to something more! And I don't know if it is her but the honking laughter was like a certain someone ^__^

This wasn't crack! :P


razycrandomgirl February 20 2009, 19:36:37 UTC
I know it started out as crack but then it morphed into this. One of the stories was kinda cracky? ... *innocent eyes*

I'll have to try again. :P Thanks for reading. When I come back I'm gonna lurk your journal so hard. Now I can cause I finished something. Self punishment over. \o/

Marilyn had huge Deer Eyes and was a whore .. >_> (I know the voice was off). It would have been crackier if it weren't for Jess's story. XP


albion1919 February 20 2009, 19:45:58 UTC
The 3rd one was cracky! I loved that it morphed, got darker and very sexy!

lol you can lurk but there won't be anything interesting to see :P

lol yes the physical description was her but the way she behaved fits with the image I have of her in her wild, amoral days ;)


razycrandomgirl February 20 2009, 19:52:09 UTC
That's what I was going for. she wasn't reformed Eden. She was supposed to be a lady of the night.

Gabriel got ditched and he just happened to run into Eden an impostor ... lol I know lame! *waves*


lacrymosa_star February 20 2009, 19:34:10 UTC
OMG WAS HE WITH A HOOKER IN THE?!! *legasp* Duhty duhty boy!!!

I LOVE HOW HE SCARED OFF NATALIE!!! And he was o mean to Bridget! But it seemed pretty right on tho!!

But seriously, I was like OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! Loved it sooooooooooo much!!!!



razycrandomgirl February 21 2009, 05:08:44 UTC
:DDDD Thank you. It was supposed to be cracky but it turned out to be something else. I failed. But maybe I can tap into the crack better next time! \o/

thanks for telling me you liked it.

Bridget was a bitch. That's why he was mean to her.


bellonablack February 20 2009, 22:48:18 UTC
You are much too good. XD Seriously, when you write, you always leave me absolutely amazed ( ... )


force_oblique February 21 2009, 17:32:01 UTC
OMG these little date stories were kinda creepy!!
But omg so much fun!!

They were bloody awesome!!!<3
Thanks for sharing!


razycrandomgirl February 21 2009, 17:40:50 UTC
Heheh thank you. Most of it was inspired by the above commenter. Her story Trojan Horse made me flip my shit! If you liked the darkness go to that story. It ... phew.

Thank you for telling me you liked it. ;D


razycrandomgirl February 21 2009, 18:02:46 UTC
You are much too good. XD Seriously, when you write, you always leave me absolutely amazed.

O_O seriously ... right back atcha. You make it okay for me to read Sylaire cause you Claire is not a fraction as annoying as the one on tv.

Oh Poor Gabriel and his mother. They do make me think of the Bates Family. O_O he is obsessed with his parentage and Family.

Bridget was asking for it. I think I was fulfilling a fantasy with that one. I like to see people like that put in there place. Gabriel was my hero in that bit. Seriously it's a call back to when he does things like put kitties in plastic baggies and makes obscene phone calls. ;)

Cheryl made Gabriel want to call for the check. lol. You think she killer her door man ... I'm sorry! lol!

Wondering is good. ;) And that makes me wonder what you're wondering.

...her honesty made him honest, not taking things so...seriously helped him.That girl in "Undisclosed" ... *sigh* I really liked her. She took the pressure off of her friend. I think she was trying to let him know it was okay ( ... )


s8219 February 21 2009, 00:32:31 UTC

This was absolutely amazing!

OMG! Thankfully my parents have never set me up, that first part? Painful. ::Snuggles him:: So long suffering. I can definitely see his mother being just like that.

Bridget: Oh, Sylar... He's so horrible You didn't really want me to be honest tonight, did you Bridget? FTW!

Natalie: BWAH! Clark Kent, Bates... I love it "This one time, at band-" hahaha

Cheryl: The terror of all men, right? ::has gotten looks of 'I can't believe I said that don't take offence!' about some of those innocent comments::

"Marilyn": There's not enough shiny gold stars in the world to give you for this one!

And awwww "Undisclosed" totally melted my heart!

I love it, this was definitely greatness!


razycrandomgirl February 21 2009, 05:38:43 UTC
:DDDD you make my face hurt! Oh! I'm glad you liked it. Twas a labor of love.

You are too kind. ;D xoxo

Virginia ... She makes me sad. She was a crazy old bat, but it could have been worse.

Thanks again for the feed back!


gimmemypickle February 21 2009, 05:35:14 UTC
Excellent, excellent! The Cheryl and Natalie parts are my favorite. The Bates bit and the overreacting over everything Gabriel said is just hilarious.


razycrandomgirl February 21 2009, 07:54:28 UTC
He scared one and was scared by the other. lol Poor Gabe thought he was being charming.

*lurks your journal too*


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