Happiness is a Warm Gun.

Feb 09, 2009 09:02

I read a story and was intrigue but the fucked up'edness of it and wanted to know how/where the author came up with such ideas. That in-turn led me to watch Happiness ...

If this isn't the most fucked movie I've ever seen ... then I don't want to know what the other more fucked movies are. O_O Seriously (and I have to laugh because ... shit!) ...WTF!

That being said (and thanks to Jess) I'm doing a meme as means to scrub my brains. :-D

1. Reply to this post and I'll assign you a letter.
2. List (and upload, if you feel like it) 5 songs that start with that letter.
3. Post them to your journal with these instructions.

bellonablack  gave me C (for my name I suppose)

Color Me Once by The Violent Femmes

image Click to view

Chick Habit by April March

image Click to view

Crazy by Tori Amos

image Click to view

Cocain by Eric Clapton

image Click to view

Criminal by Fiona Apple

This one didn't want to be on my journal so I supply a link (because I like the original video)


Because of that Fiona fiasco (clever, eh? that's my excuse any way)

Closer by Nine Inch Nails

image Click to view

I'll get the lyrics down later. peace.

meme, trent reznor, tori amos, music

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