Rachel says ...

Oct 16, 2008 23:42

"We need to make a drinking game. Whenever Heroes exhibits a blatant lack of knowing how their own effin show works, we take a shot.

We'll be in the hospital for alcohol poisoning by season 2."

hehehe. Smart and pretty? JACKPOT!

Also in work today, during my lunch break, I had the same hour as Scott. Silly dude. We were talking about ice cream and music and 'Silence of the Lambs'.

He told me about his friend pulling a 'Buffalo Bill' at the top of a flight of really dark stairs and how when he tried to pay him back his friend popped out of the bathroom and took a picture of him. I almost died laughing. Then Scott tells me there are naked pictures of him on the internet and he can't do anything about them. *snicker*

So we're talking about these strawberry short cake bars that are in the freezer at work and he's like:

"Will you tell if I steal one?"
Me: "Just ask. I'm sure it's okay."
"No, they're gonna say no. I'm gonna take one, okay?"
"Just ask, Scott. There's a lot of them in there. It's probably supposed to go with the cake. Ya know, cake and ice cream?"

So the manager comes in and I ask her if it's okay and she says "yeah".

"Told you to just ask."
"Yeah I know."
"Now, get me an ice cream."

Then he starts mumbling really low and soft, saying:

"Okay, Cana. Hold on. Just one second. I'm almost there ..."

Me: *O_O*

And I start to get up and get my own damn ice cream (because I don't need that!) when he runs to the freezer and gets me one. I say 'thanks' and then we start talking about 80's cartoons.

When he was doing the mumbling shit, I thought "dude! I'm already horny, please stop."

ps Weasley's = Da Bomb!

work, funny, drinking, quotes, rachel, heroes, boys

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