Trick of the light

Oct 05, 2008 00:56

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: Trick of the Light.

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG-13

Characters/Pairings: Maya/Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: AU post 'Powerless'.

Summery: Prompt #12 from my un_love_you Saya table 'I'm Drunk',

Author’s Notes: Thanks to gimmemypickle  for giving it a quick once over. If there are any problems, totally my fault. Also follows after Haunted.

"I'll have what she's having." She smirks when she turns to me, recognizing the face, the smile I give her. Her eyes travel over me appreciatively. The illusion is there for her to look at, nothing too familiar, not enough to scare her off, but just enough so that she wont forget.

I touch her hair, to remind her and she hits my hand away, like always. I laugh softly. It hurts.

"You started without me."

"Despite what you might think, I don't come here for you." She leans onto the bar taking a deep satisfying pull from her half finished stein. But the stein isn't filled with beer. Inside there's some dark, sweet smelling liquid that swirls round the walls as she set it back on the bar.

"What's on the menu to night?"


I just watch her as she stares out a night blackened window. "You'll hurt your eyes if you keep that up."

"What do you care?" She says as she finally turns to me.

I do.

I smile at her. It fades a little, imitating the twinkle in her eye. I look away from her (hurt) and order my usual.

"You never drink with me."

"What do you call this?"

"Not alcohol."

"Ginger ale settles my stomach."

"Do I make your stomach hurt?" She asks with a leering laugh, before swaying dangerously in her stool. I reach out (almost!) just as she rights herself. A frown settles over her lips.

"Yeah, well, I'm a lousy drunk." I say as I curl my hand to keep from touching her.

"You sound like a kid with that 'ginger ale' crap."

"You're younger than I am." Her eyes sparkle again and I lean away from the bar twisting in my seat. I smile again and her eyes narrow in suspicion before she shakes away whatever thought clouded her features.

"Lucky guess, I guess. How do you know? I could look very young for my age." She turns her face away, taking another draining swig. I watch her throat. I remember.

"You better slow down."

"Are you gonna stop me." Her eyes flicker over, darkening; to the untrained eye, it might look like a trick of the light. That 'Trick', pushing your mind until it felt like it might snap. And that 'snap' was what brought on that heavy, drowning feeling, the lightheadedness. Then just like that it was gone. A trick of the light. But I know better. I shake my head and swivel in my chair, curling my fingers around my glass again, suddenly heavy. This time I do hide my smile.

"I wouldn't dream of it."

She hum/sighs, letting it puff out at the last minute. I can smell the rum, the scent of her skin and hair, the inside of her mouth. My own mouth suddenly floods with saliva and I try to subtly adjust the stiffening prick in my pants. I take a drink, the bubbles tickle my noes and I press my hand into my thigh, then decide to step it up a notch.

"Maya?" I make sure my inflection is perfect. So careful, so familiar that it would never occur to her that she never told me her name. At least not this me. I don't want her to ever forget. "Do you ... ever feel like you're being watched?"

She just stares at me for a while. Her eyes unfocused yet sharp ... Haunted.

She frowns, turning back to her glass. "What the hell kind of question is that?"

I shrug and look out over her head towards the door. "Just a question, I suppose." Her hair shines in the low light of the bar. I follow a slow burning trail over her exposed skin, her mouth. She breaths deeply and with every breathe her top pulls against her, pushing her breast into a deeper swell. She leans to the side and catches me looking at her. Usually at this point I might blush, but I have to remind myself that I am not me. So I keep looking, until she looks away. But this time she doesn't.

"You want to fuck me." I feel my jaw click, my eyes tick and all the moisture has gone out of my mouth. I take another deep drink from my glass, it hurt, but I don't stop. She is curious, different to night. The air about her has the ghost of scarcely hidden amusement, but mostly she just looks tired. I press my palm against my cock again. This time it's fully awake. I frown.

"I think you've have too much to drink."

"And you haven't had enough." She stands up blinking like she was trying to stay awake. Her legs were unsure under her, but her eyes ... Her eyes. She grips the bar and leans close to me then whispers.

"That wasn't a 'no', so why don't you quit beating around the bush and take me home?"

"But you barely know me." It was lame. Blame it on the shock.

"I don't want to know you." She pushes against me, stumbling a little. Her mouth is close to mine, her body is close to mine, but the way she's acting makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I hate roller coasters. I stiffen against her as she laughs, the sound scrapes down my spine.

"What happened to you?"

"You did!" She says hotly

"What?" I feel my control slip and the illusion flicker around me, but catch it just in time.

"You are all alike. Seeing what you want, taking it, not caring about anything but yourselves!" Her hands were strong, pulling at my clothes, digging into my skin. "I want to be just like you. I don't want to care anymore. I'm tired of it." Then she kisses me, and I let her. It is different from the last time. She is nothing like the last time. And I can't stand to see her this way ... but I still need her.

This hurts!

I pushing her away from me, holding her at arms length. "You're drunk." I run my tongue over my lips, tasting her, there's a bitter taste in my mouth. It's her, I realize, and I put it there.

She sways sharply in my grip, a dumb smile on her face as she nearly loosing her footing. "Take me home. Make me forget." I'm sneering. I didn't realized until I felt it melt away as she snaked her arms around my neck and buried her face in my shoulder. I put my hand on her head, stroking her hair (I can't resist) remembering. Broken.

"I'll take you home, Maya." I whisper into her hair, brushing my lips over the soft, dark strands. I take a deep drowning breath, sucking her up though my nostrils, then relax as I feel her finally pass out in my arms. I adjust the illusion and pitch her into my arms. I don't want any interruptions.

"I'll fix you."


Olvito ~ Forgetfulness

fic, un_love_you, tables, prompt tables, heroes, prompts, maya herrera, sylar, saya

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