No Time For Goodbyes (fic)

Jul 22, 2008 18:57

Author: Razycrandomgirl

Title: No Time For Goodbyes

Fandom: Heroes

Rating: PG (I guess)

Characters/Pairings: Maya, Mohinder, Molly, Sylar

Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Just like to play with them sometimes.

Spoilers/Time Line: Powerless

Summery: What else could have happened in the loft.

Author’s Notes: Un_Love_You Prompt # 11 I thought I needed this.

He warned her. He told her to stay calm and when she didn’t, he quieted her. His body shook with the realization, gun warming in his hand as he pointed it back to Mohinder. It's not supposed to go this way. He wanted to keep her awhile, but she proved herself too wild to tame. She cried out, the sounds within the sound burned his ears. He silenced her. But she made him.

She was there on the ground. She was quiet. Why didn't she listen? I warned her. She asked for it.


“Give it to her first. Let me see you save her, and then if it works, I let you save me.”

Mohinder stood shaking for a bit until Sylar twitched the gun at him, gesturing toward Maya.

“I know you’re not going to let her die on the floor. Save her doctor. Do your job!”

Mohinder’s face darkened with the order, but he knew Sylar was right. He couldn’t let the girl die. He moved over to her, knelling down by her side, taking her hand in his own.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m preparing to move her. You could give me a hand if you like, instead of waving that gun around” he added under his breath.

Mohinder pushed his hand under her shoulders, lifting her up. Her head lolled against him as he struggled with moving her.

“Be careful.”

“Are you kidding?” Mohinder threw a sharp glare in his direction and gave a final tug to lift Maya in his arms. “You’re the reason she’s -- Molly!”

He nearly dropped Maya, causing Sylar to step towards them, as Molly dashed by scurrying to hide behind a small cot in the corner. She looked from Mohinder to Maya, avoiding Sylar’s gaze.

Sylar's jaw ticked, his eyes dug into Mohinder's as he tightened his grip on the gun. "Keep going." He watched Mohinder struggle with Maya's slumped body and seemed to fight the impulse to help him with her. Mohinder pulled Maya against him, as a shield, before he laying her on the cot. Molly moved the pillows up before the doctor rested her against them. There was a frown etched in Mohinder's face as he took a moment to just stare at her lying there.

“You’re wasting time.” Sylar's voice boomed and Mohinder moved away from Maya to retrieve the syringes; sneaking glances at the camera when he was sure Sylar wasn’t looking. He fiddled with the casing a while ,trying to buy more time. The silence was suffocating and he turned back to see if Molly was okay. She was pressed up against the wall as Sylar was leaned over the too still woman, brushing her hair out over the pillows.

Mohinder squinted at the look in Sylar’s eyes as he stared down at Maya, before making a sound, and adjusting the box in his hands. Sylar seemed to snap out of his daze and the coloring in his cheeks changed as he took a step away from Maya.

Mohinder sat down next to the cot, glanced at Molly (who leaned herself against the other side) as he lifted Maya’s arm pushing her sleeves away. Sylar walked back behind Mohinder, moving closer to Maya’s legs. His legs brushed against the table on which the doctor rested the blood. He bent forward trying to get a better view of the healing process. He leaned his hand onto the table, close to the cure, close to Maya.

She was very still, very quiet, very pretty, he noted as he pressed the steel into her flesh. He pushed, waited, and when she breathed, felt a great swell of relief wash over him. She was alive and he brought her back.


He couldn't believe how simple it all was. Easy fix. If only it could mend all that he had ever broken. She stirred and his lungs filled with air as he took a step back.

"I'm sure Maya will understand if I'm not here when she wakes up."

I'll be back for you.

fic, un_love_you, challenges, prompt tables, heroes, prompts, maya herrera, sylar, saya

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