Warm Thoughts (Fic)

Feb 13, 2008 18:55

Author: razycrandomgirl
Title: Warm Thoughts
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: PG 
Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Maya  AU
Disclaimer: Don’t own them. Just like to play with them sometimes.
Summery: Gabriel thinks about the first time he met Maya.
Warning Unbeta'd ConCri please. R+R ZOMG fluff! :X
For albion1919V Day fic.

Remixed Delivery by sophinisba

Spice in the cold. )

fic, fanfiction, heroes, gift!fic, fanfic, maya herrera, gabriel gray, maybriel

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Comments 21

albion1919 February 14 2008, 00:18:37 UTC

He orders the coffee not liking the taste but enjoying the smell of it. The whole shop is full of smells that tickle his nose, make his eyes burn, and his mouth water. And that reminds him of her and the first time he saw her.

Love this!

I love him hiding behind the door, the chain. And Maya's forceful attitude!

Then there were the days that he’d caught her. Days like today. “Hey Gabriel” she said as she walked up behind him mussing her hand in his once neat hair.

Too freakin cute! ^_^

I love the hat and the small note. And that he walks her home. Ohhh it's all just lovely!!!

That was fantastic Cana!! I want more Maya/Gabe fluff!! :D


razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 00:34:09 UTC
Awww thank you! And you will have it! More, more, more, more, MORE I better get on those translations.:X whoops


albion1919 February 14 2008, 00:39:11 UTC
YAY!!! More fluffiness! And I'll do more smut, I've been having withdrawals or something :P

lol :P


razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 00:42:31 UTC
Smut withdrawal lol oh yeah. ;D


leoprincess February 14 2008, 01:00:01 UTC

I need to freaking start watching 'Heroes'. Alas, I have no time. T_T

Reason #788765878 why I hate school.


razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 01:05:02 UTC
:X Sorry. If it helps, this had nothing to do with the Heroes story line. I just wanted to use the character for this AU fic. hopefully you'll get awesome (free) school. YAY!

Ps. I hope your kitty is feeling better. *hugs*


leoprincess February 14 2008, 02:41:58 UTC
Mum and I went to see her today. She's in an Elizabethan collar and still on her medical drip, but she's cool nonetheless. What irritated her the most during the visit was the yapping, banging Hand Bag dog in the compartment next to her. Kitty kept throwing filthy looks in the dog's direction. XD

Yea, I know this fic is AU but I still need to watch Heroes. The 'Lost' train missed me completely and 'Prison Break' let me down in a major way. The only series that went right for me this year was 'Dexter'.


dream_infinity0 February 14 2008, 01:34:43 UTC
This is really good....I'm glad there are more maya/sylar fic's....don't see much of them...

You did excellent job describing this... is there going to be another chapter?


razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 04:04:24 UTC
Very true we must carry on the even though we are few.

As far as I'm concerned ... for right now this is a one shot, but maybe when I get more time I could come back to it. I like NY Maya!. ;D \o/

thanks for reviewing


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razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 02:41:10 UTC
you know we gotta represent! *snaps fingers*

I'm glad you like her. I do too. I like writing her and you can take her places with Gabriel.:D please do ... when you have time.


razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 02:33:07 UTC
Carla's Dominican! =-o I love Scrubs. I basically took a lot how I see the latinas are here and a little of how I think Dania personality is. I love Carla BTW ... that whole show rocks!

I thought you might like it ... actually I hoped you would.

When I was thinking about putting the word "crack head" in it I thought 'ANN'!

I squeed when I found out my supervisor was from DR. SQUEEEED! she was alarmed. :X


gimmemypickle February 14 2008, 02:39:19 UTC
*flails* OMG, this is the most adorable fic I have ever read! It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I like New!York!Maya and how she's all motherly and cute with the hat thing. And Gabriel's cute stalker tendency.

*does a happy dance* I think you just gave me one more cavity to get filled with all this sweetness, Cana. :-)

P.S. Those kids suck. People work hard and to have some little punk call and prank is annoying. That happened to me once, they tried to get me fired. *grumble grumble* Hope their Playstation breaks. ;-x


razycrandomgirl February 14 2008, 03:35:52 UTC
Gabriel's not a stalker ... okay he's kind of a stalker.

*does a happy dance* I think you just gave me one more cavity to get filled with all this sweetness, Cana. :-)

this means I'll have to be mean in my next bit of work. :P that will fix you. XP

lol what happened to you? Didn't you pull that trick once? If it wasn't for those kids no Gabriel/Maya fluffiness. I'll write something where their house cats eat them. ;) *g*
Speaking of fake character supporters I liked Maya's coworkers.=D


gimmemypickle February 14 2008, 04:53:22 UTC
Lmao, you're going to purposely hurt your characters just to spite me, aren't you? ;-p You're an evol wench. That's hot. Rawr.

Some bratty kids that probably needed a good grounding called up and were being lame and stupid so I hung up on them. Then they called back and pretended to be an adult to try and get me fired for hanging up. o.O Then they called back nearly twenty more times.

Yeah, I think I did prank call once or twice when I was younger, but I don't think I was ever quite that annoying. It's probably karmic justice for being a brat myself.

LMAO, serves 'em right. You can use one of my house cats to get 'em. ;-) Maya's co-workers were funny. <3


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