What a briney day

Sep 28, 2006 03:14

So I went to go take my Nutrition test today at Shands and i'm waiting there along with alot of other people, and these 2 people come out of a room with a cart of about 12 gallons of brine. Now anybody who has done any sort of dissection esp the fetal pig ones will know that this stuff is the worst smelling stuff on the face of the earth. Now imagine spilling 12 gallons of this stuff...on a person. That is what happened. This poor innocent girl sitting on the floor waiting to take the exam was at the wrong place and at the wrong time, as the guy pushed the cart around a corner the 12 gallons of brine falls out of the cart and DRENCHES the girl with this foul smelling shit. The sad part, is that there were no apologies. He asks another lady to get this girl cleaned up, and that is that. The entire building now smells like formaldehyde. Imagine having to smell that stuff for an hour. Yeah. Needless to say, i had a huge headache after that experience so i said f going to my next class, i'm going home. I did end up getting an A on the exam, and actually got an A on my 1st spanish exam, so hopefully this trend will continue with the good grades. CPR class is almost over, thank god. They are making us do a "group scenario", and ours invovles 5 people sitting around a campfire when suddenly a butane tank nearby explodes lighting one person on fire and impaling the eye of another guy with glass. Time for creativity points since it's a huge part of our final grade. There will also be an impromptou performance of me in front of the campfire playing kumbaya lol. I also got this awesome Fender Telecaster last week, not one of these cheap ones everyone seems to have, but this really sweet looking one with really nice pickups & has some really sick graphics on it. I also picked up a fender amp, so i spent around 500 bucks on the package...not to bad. Now my neighbors get to enjoy the sweet sounds of electric guitar at night..problem is i've been dying to play it, but this has been one hell of a week. Funny how the tests in all my classes fall in the same week 1 day apart from each other. Once this week is over, i will be on this guitar like white on rice. Anyways, its 3 in the morning, and i have studied all the biochemistry that i can, so now i am heading to bed. BTW i still think my eye is fucked up from being hit with that tennis ball a couple days ago :(
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