Dear all guy friends on my LiveJournal,
On this International Women's Day I would dearly love it if you did me this one favor:
If you say something (or write it or express it in some fashion) and find yourself confronted with women taking apart what you said, arguing, nitpicking, countering and generally nodding along and saying "yep," please, PLEASE stop the thought process that might lead you to assume you've got women issues.
Do me this one favor and allow the possiblity that you've got expression issues and that the preponderance of X chromosomes is just a coincidence. If it turns out that none of your boys takes the time to disagree with you, please don't let that lead you to the conclusion that it's just women who don't get what you are trying to say.
If you can't help but notice the genders of those speaking out, negatively, to what you've expressed then try, for me, to keep in mind that it's not all* women who disagree with you, it's slightly more than half of the human population that disagrees with you.
I'd really appreciate this gesture.
razrangel * if you're going to the trouble that assuming all women will disagree... then please extrapolate the figure to 52% of the human population of earth.
For just this one day I'd really love it if "woman" did in fact equal "human."