(no subject)

Dec 22, 2003 01:11

Sorry to do this also but must do and add this to the memories section also


1. If you do not add me first and then comment when wanting to be added, I will not add you at all, since you have not read the rules correctly. It is stated on the friends only banner, underneath said friends only banner and in my userinfo
2.when commenting please write "I wanna get Dirrty" then I know you have read the rules (new rule as of 23/12/03)
3. Comment on whatever you're taking
4. Credit razorxsmile for everything you take
5. If it's icons credit in keywords, if it's a header/userinfo banner/friends only sign credit me in your user info and/or use this
and write, for example header made by: *button here*
6. If you have a request please post it here: http://www.livejournal.com/users/razorxsmile/11291.html and only here, otherwise the request will be ignored. If you're new here, I'll let you off as you may not be aware.
7. If you don't know how to link the button in your user info, just ask and I'll be more than happy to give you the entire code to copy/paste into your user info
8.Don't ask for a difficult graphic, for example a user info banner which takes a long time to make, tell me you like it and then change it an hour later because someone else made you one. I would prefer if you told me you didn't like it, or wait to see if I'll do you the banner first before asking other people.
9.Do not steal my work and claim as your own
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