Vancouver - Day 0

Oct 12, 2012 09:20

Didn't get much sleep, as I went to bed late. Went to bed at 2am, and ended up waking someone up at 5am. Went into work with my luggage all packed up. Just crazy busy day at work with new job function. Its a bit challenging as I cannot share certain information, but other information I must share. The way that some of this reorganization hasn't been handled well, and its a bit disappointing... Still, spent the more in meetings and running back and forth for different things. Weather wasn't great either..

At lunch time met up with Winnie. Its been a while since our first lunch encounter. Timing and scheduling... She ended up bringing a friend, and we weren't able get a table at Bumpys Cafe. Seeing as they only have a few seats, it was kind of expected. Met her coworker Connie. We spent lunch time conversing mostly about their work and accounting stuff, but it was a nice break to get out of the office. Soon after another meeting with my new manager, I ended up heading off to the airport. Was going to take the shuttle, but a taxi flagged me down, and I got a ride to the airport. I suppose I could have saved a few $ this way, but just wanted to get to the airport. The yucky snowfall isn't much fun either, and so it was nice to be able to get away from that.... though its been reported to rain this weekend.

There was a bit of miscommunication between Holly and I, and she had thought I left her and had already checked in. Ummm .. no. But after clearing screen, we did end up managing to get to Vancouver. Flight was delayed for 45 minutes. I don't think I've ever seen the WestJet area filled up with so many people. I guess this is what backlogged flights look like. On the flight, spent most of the time trying to help Holly edit some documents, but its a quick flight from Calgary over to Van. Retrieved our baggage, and then headed down to Bev's place. Being a long evening, we took an expensive cab ride over to her place instead of dealing with the SkyTrain. Still, once we arrived, Bev was awesome and warm and welcoming as always. Her place is pretty awesome and cozy. The only thing that isn't so great is that its in Surrey.

Both Bev and Holly went to the same high school as one point, so it seemed that both of them recognized each other. It was exciting to hear stories of Bev's adventures in her industry. Her sharing her hard work and success, and her passion, was definitely infectious. After a bit, we said good night to Bev, and helped her pack her car. Back in the apartment, both Holly and I were pretty hungry so we started scouring for places to eat. Pizza was off the table for a number of reasons, I had it a few days ago at work, and someone else doesn't like it. So we ended up finding this Chinese restaurant that would deliver after hours. The website was quite ghettto but ended up ordering the following...

Bright Point Fusion Foods

- Shrimp Dumplings
- Scallop Dumplings
- Pork Dumplings
- Spareribs
- Quail for $5
- BBQ Lamb Skewers
- BBQ Chicken Skewers
- Chicken Wings
- BBQ Squid x 2
- Lots of Spicy Oil + Hot Sauce
- Beef Chow Fun (Gon Chow Gnow Hor)

Quail was quite small, even by our standards and a bit pricey. The dumplings were pretty good and standard fair. Skewers were a bit small, but tasty and spicy. When ordering food, he asked how spicy and Holly yelled out really spicy. Extra hot sauce was requested and delivered. It was quite hot. Price was quite reasonable for what we ordered, but that's usually how Chinese food here is. Most of it was standard fare, but it was a better option than pizza. Owner/Delivery guy was impressed that "my wife" could handle such spice, and invited us back to have spicy hot pot. We'll probably pass, but if its late, and in Surrey and want to have something other than pizza, might do this again.

Todays adventures are going to be a bit crazier once we start getting up for the day. Going to have amazing waffles at Medina's. Going to also head over to JapaDog (original one on Burrard), and then hopefully we can get tickets for a movie premiere of a movie that Bev has been working on and really proud of. We'll also be going downtown to have Guu (Garlic) afterwards. There's probably a few more things going on, but will update tomorrow's blog entry.

surrey, vancouver, quail, chinese food, dim sum, food

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