May 03, 2010 19:47
all in all i would say the party was a pretty big success. i met a lot of new people and some old people i forgot i had met before. Bekki's family saw my place for the first time and i think they were impressed. which is a huge weight of my mind. after here parents left though, that is when the real party began. the headcount was about what i had expected. and even though there were lots of people who attended, things didn't get too crazy. i think this is because most of the people who were there had never been to my place before, but everyone seemed to know everyone else really well. the result was a really fun relaxed atmosphere, and all around good times were had. for those of you who couldn't make it to this party, i hope you can come to the next one.
however, Bekki and i had spent the previous two weeks vigorously cleaning the house for the party, and in one night all of that was undone. that was expected, but it is sill sad. the Canadians stayed at my place for the whole weekend, and they helped clean. we had my house looking good again in no time.
well now that the party has come and gone and Bekki and done with the stress of school, hopefully i can relax a little bit. :p
Devin and Christina, the Canadians mentioned above, are some pretty awesome people. its a shame we don't get to see them as often as we would like to. but hey, ConBrovo is just around the corner... in a couple of months. XD