dreeeaaams! again! omg!

Sep 05, 2004 13:24

okay so yeah i technically just woke up. it's 1:29 pm.

i say technically, because i already got up at 9 something to go to the bathroom and come one the computer, get bored of the computer and go back to sleep.

in the process, i had many many dreams. only two which i fully remember. both involving niosha O_o
yeah, that's what i said too when it happened. it gets better/worse, so smile/frown!

okay so first one i remember fully.
somehow, niosha and some other guy were at my house. somehow. and we were talking in my room, and you had this gun that you asked me to assemble. (really, i just had to pop the clip in it. (the clips were empty) so anyhow, i do so, and then we go downstairs to drive somewhere in niosha's car. and my dad asks us when we'll be back, and i ask when dinner would be done, and he says it done now. but we go anyways, and i walk outside, and it's at night, and niosha's driving a white 92 chevy. and the car wont start. so the guy with us suggests maybe we have the wrong clip in the gun and thats why the car wont start, so i go back upstairs to get the other clip. i remember this new clip was clear. and i pop it in, go back downstairs and wake up at 9 something to go to the washroom.

okay, second dream! that i remember fully!
fully,...heh that's a funny word,...
okay, so i can tell im losing my audience here. second dream!
im on top of this building that i think just burnt down or something, and it's close to this place where i had some other dream some other night. buuut, anyhow, i get to the bottom, and i find this stuffed dragon thing and its got robotic pieces in it, so if you hug it, it says different stuff, or if you stop its tail is talks, and there was this bar around the neck with an on/off button. and apparently, it belonged to adam. soooo, i somehow meet niosha again. and we're in my room and we're devising a plan to get it back to adam somehow. soooo, she first takes batteries out of umm something she had with her that took 3 AAA batteries, and puts them into the dragon. so it starts talking, and yeah. whatevs. so then she suggests that she found it and will meet adam at a restaurant to give it back to him, and she was gunna change into this sexy dress thing or something. so im putting her batteries back, and she's changing, and then we arrive at the restaurant, and adam and niosha are sitting, and talking, and then my dream ends and i wake up to type this.

so yeah. *cough* dreams.
oh, i got the sealab 2021 dvd yesterday! and i also saw the girl next door. which was hot. she can popular mechanics me any day.

but yeah, i dont want niosha to think im some crazed lunatic who dreams about her all the time, so i want to assure her that these dreams came out of the blue,...despite thinking about wanting to meet up with you yesterday while i was downtown, but still. it had nothing to do with guns starting cars or mechanical stuffed dragons that belong to adam.

ooh and i bought 3 cds, as well as the sealab dvd downtown.
dirty three - horse stories
henry rollins - hot animal machine & drive by shooting ep
amon tobin - recorded live

wee! wasting money when i dont even have enough money for tuition!!
well, blacks better pay me retarded ammounts 9 of money,...

FINAL NOTE! i want to sell prints of my artwork. if anyone nows anyone who wants artwork that ive already made, or wants me to make a specific artwork for them, please tell me! because i need money,...lots of money,...for tuition,...please,...

End If
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